15 Hardship Grants for Single Mothers

Hardship Grants for Single Mothers
Hardship Grants for Single Mothers

People across the world has been looking for hardship grants for single mothers and a way in which they can access them so as to survive the hard times that reign presently.

Grants are financial aids given by mostly the government (private institution/individuals can give grants too) to help low income persons. But before we go on to list a few of these grants, there are some questions that is usually asked by single mothers on matters concerning grants and how to apply for an ongoing one.

We will address such questions in this article.

In as much as most of the grants listed here pertain to the US government, it doesn’t mean such grants do not exist in our countries. They do and may be given another name in such countries.

Also, applying or benefiting from grants are not the only option available for single mothers in cases of financial crises. There are other options which they can choose from and we will list out these options too in this article.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hardship Grants for Single Mothers

1. Where Can I get Help as a Single Mom?

You can apply for Federal financial grants that are available and other local grants. These grants help you to pay your bills and save some money on your taxes.

2. What If I am Not Eligible For Grants?

If you are not eligible for grants, it then means you are among those who earn a lot to qualify or you earn “just enough” to get qualified for benefits such as food stamps but “too little” to live on each month.

If you fall into any of theses categories, you can, in case of financial difficulty, contact your local churches, organizations. charities and community organizations to find out if they can offer some form of temporary help.

Dialing 2-1-1 for help with food, shelter, employment, health care, counseling, or anytime you need help paying your bills can be a good option to use. Please note that, the 2-1-1 service is available 24/7.

In addition, most of these government grants for single moms are temporary in nature, so relying on them alone is not a good idea – instead, try to become self-reliant so that you can support your family on your own.

3. Can A Single Mom Get Help With Daycare?

Single mothers can get such help using the Child and Dependent Care Credit program is a tax credit that you may receive on your federal income tax return.

The Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program (CCAMPIS) aids single mothers who are pursuing education and need childcare services.

4. How Can One Applying for a Grant

First of all, you have to know if you are eligible for this grant you want to apply for. The eligibility is mostly about your family or  your personal financial status.

Once you meet the required financial status, then maybe state of residence might have to be checked. It is safer to look for such grants available in the state you live in.

If you meet all the requirements, then you have to follow the process listed down in the application form. This you can get from the official website of the grant or a local office.

List of Hardship Grants for Single Mothers

1. Federal Pell Grant

The Pell Grant is the America’s largest student aid program. It provides grants of up to $6,495 to the neediest students to attend college.

This need based grant offers single mothers of limited income the opportunity to “go back to school” and re-enter the workforce. You do not need to repay this money because it is free.

The first step to take in applying for a Pell Grant is to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The deadline for submission is June 30 each year or as early as October 1 preceding the year for which you need aid.

2. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

This is similar to the Pell Grant, FSEOG as it is mostly called, is a type of supplemental grant that is given to students with “the utmost need” for financial assistance as determined by the FAFSA.

Priority is given to those with the lowest Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and those who are have benefited or is currently benefiting from Pell Grant.

Eligible students may be awarded supplemental grants anywhere between $100 and $4,000 a year based on the gravity of their needs and fund availability.

3. Federal Work-Study Grant

Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a federally subsidized financial aid program that gives single-parent students a way to earn money by doing part-time work on or off campus, mostly in their chosen field of study.

These students can work up to 20 hours a week and receive a monthly payment based on an hourly wage, which they can use for educational expenses.

However, this option will work only if you (the parent) have minimal living expenses and have the family support to meet your child care needs.

4. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

TANF is a very important part of the safety net for very low-income families. Its major aim is to help these type of families achieve self-sufficiency through a combination of short-term financial assistance and work opportunities.

There are two types of TANF grants. They are the “child-only” and “family” grants.

Child-only grants, are designed to consider only the needs of the child. This grant is usually smaller than family grants, about $8 per day for one child.

The second type of TANF grant is the “family grant. Many consider this grant to be the easiest grant to get.

It offers a small cash amount monthly for food, clothing, shelter and other essentials ― for up to a period of 5 years, although there are shorter time limits in many states.

An unemployed single mother, with children under 19 years of age, is eligible for this grant. However, the recipient is required to participate in work activities for at least 20 hours per week.

5. Federal Student Loan

For single mother who need more assistance beyond Pell grant in order to go back to school, will need to apply for student loans — either subsidized or unsubsidized. They are often offered as part of a total financial aid package.

Although this is the least desirable form of financial aid, federal student loans allows the single mother to borrow money for college at interest rates that are lower than most private loans. One advantage of this loan is that you may be able to defer interest payments until after you graduate.

As with most federal student aid, you will first have to apply for a FAFSA.

6. Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA)

Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA), is also known as Emergency Cash Assistance. It provides alternative assistance for single mothers in times of emergency. It is generally one-time payment in lieu of extended cash benefits.

The families who qualify may receive a one-time grant of up to $1,000 to deal with an emergency or minor crisis. This money may vary depending on the severity of the financial crisis.

7. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

The aim of SNAP,  formerly known as the Food Stamp program, is to offer affordable and healthy meals to the neediest families, many of whom are low income.

For many of the poorest Americans, SNAP has become the only form of income assistance they receive.

This assistance comes in the form of a debit card (EBT) which the recipient can use to purchase grocery items in any participating store within their environs.

Do you have the need to apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)? You will have to get a form which you must fill out and return to a local SNAP office, either in person, by mail, or by fax.

8. Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)

WIC is a federal-funded nutrition program that provides free healthy foods to pregnant women, new mothers and children under age of 5, who are might be “at nutritional risk”.

It is a short-term program, with the recipients receiving benefits for six months to a year. After the time has elapsed, they must reapply.

In a month, women in the program receive $11 per month for fresh fruit and vegetables, while children receive $9 per month.

In addition, there is an extra $105 per month for a single mother of two.

The eligibility is determined by nutritional risk and incomes that fall below 185% of the poverty level but in most states, priority will be given to TANF recipients.

9. Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)

This program is fully funded by the Child Care and Development Block Grant, CCAP. It is a state-administered program that aids low income families pay for child care while working, searching for a job or attending school or training.

The families receiving child care assistance are required by most states to contribute toward their child care costs, based on a sliding fee scale that is designed to charge higher co-payments to families with higher income.

Please note that the eligibility guidelines vary from state to state but in most cases, your income must not be greater than the income limit set by your state of residence.

10. Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program (CCAMPIS)

Here is a other hardship grant that comes tenth on our list. The Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program, is the only federal grant program dedicated in the provision of campus-based child care for low income parents in postsecondary education.

CCAMPIS is intended to assist lower income student parents who need child care assistance in order to remain in school and graduate with a college degree. The applicants are usually much so you will have to get on a wait list.

Applications are considered for child care assistance through CCAMPIS funding on the basis of the following: eligibility status, financial income, need, resources, and family contribution levels.

11. The Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

This department is responsible for housing assistance through Section 8 housing vouchers, a program is aimed at very low income people. Local public housing agencies distribute these vouchers which are used to help pay rent on houses that meet minimum health and safety standards.

Applicants’ income must not exceed 50% of the middle class household income for the area where they want to reside. However, 75% of those who receive aid have incomes that don’t exceed 30% of the area median. For more information concerning this grant, contact your local public housing agencies or a local HUD office.

12. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Utility cost may pose as a problem to some single mothers. But you should not worry if you have this issue because, the low income home energy assistance is a program that provides financial support for low income households.

This financial support is a portion of the monthly utility bill which is paid directly to the utility company by this program. So you as a single mothers can apply for this grant if your income is not exceeding 60% of median income.

13. Children’s Health Insurance Program

Children’s health insurance is another hardship grant that is available to help single mothers. Under this program, uninsured children up to 19 years of age will get health insurance. This program is especially for those who can’t afford to buy private coverage. This insurance includes the following: doctor visits, vaccination, dental, and eyesight development. This program is totally free and single moms can apply for this program.

14. Weatherization Assistance Program

Weatherization assistance is another good program that helps low income people, in this case single mothers. Certainly, you consume less energy because you depend on the natural source of energy. Under this program, elderly and single moms with children get higher priority. When your income is below 200% of the poverty line, you are going to be eligible to get this assistance.

15. Medicaid Health Insurance For The Poor

Single mothers surely have low incomes and they don’t afford to buy any medical insurance. In this condition, this grant provides financial assistance for low income families and single mothers as well. Medicaid is totally for the very poor people and people who are older age. So, this Medicaid can be another good option for single mothers to get medical assistance free of cost.

Places Single Mothers can Sort for Financial Help aside Federal Grants

1. Child Support

As a single mother, you may not immediately consider child support as a source of help. Because most times, the payments are inconsistent or not at all. But this is an important source of help which you must seek because as a single mother, to benefit from other government sources of assistance. This is one eligibility not every single mother know of.

This is because the government wants its financial partner to contribute financially before it offers any sort of assistance. This is one of the best source for financial assistance for single moms.

2. Friends and Family

Now, family and friends are one category of people that should not be neglected in times of need. They may be willing to help you overcome a temporary setback, such as having to pay for a car or house repair unexpectedly or helping you take care of your child while taking a second job or reducing child care.

If your parents are still alive, they can also provide additional child care during work for a few additional hours. But all these boils down in good relationship. You have to have a good relationship with your family and friends so they can help you when you need them.

3. Community Organizations

We can’t neglect the fact that there are community organizations such as local churches, religious organizations, and NGOs that provide services to those in need. You get in such with them and they may give you the help you need or point you toward additional services in your area. This is also one of the places single mothers can sort for assistance.

4. Food Pantries

This is another source of assistance is the local food supply network. They are also called “food banks”. How it works is by providing basic foods such as pasta, rice, canned vegetables, and even some toiletries.

Most times, food banks are limited to non-perishable goods, but some also provide milk and eggs. During holidays, the food pantries can also offer turkeys or frozen pork.

In Conclusion

Single mothers do not need to suffer during hard times, because these are when they need help. Fortunately there are grants from the government and also from private individuals or organizations that are open for single mothers. All you have to do is to seek for these grants and apply. However, do not forget to seek for help from family and friends too.