Digital Discovery: Tips For Transitioning to Online Education As An Adult

Digital Discovery

Are you considering undertaking an online Masters of School Counseling or another postgraduate degree? It’s such an exciting time as the prospect of new knowledge looms on the horizon. You’ll learn so much with a postgraduate qualification, adding to your already vast life experience and prior knowledge. However, studying as an adult presents its own set of challenges, especially if you’ve got to juggle work, family commitments, and other adult responsibilities.

And the transition to online education can be rough, mainly if you’re used to studying in person only. However, online education has a range of benefits and is ideal for mature-aged students. This helpful article will share some resources, tips, and hacks to make your digital discovery and how you can transition to online education smoothly. Read on to learn more.

Set Up Your Space

Create a dedicated study room or space in your home. Studying at the dining room table is not ideal, as it’s not a proper space conducive to focus. Ideally, you should have a separate room you can use as a study area. Perhaps an adult child has moved out, or you have a guest room – these are perfect for converting to a study space.

You’ll want a dedicated desk to work on and attend lectures and classes remotely. A standing desk is a good option if you have back pain or neck pain issues. Otherwise, one you can sit at is fine. It goes without saying that you’ll need a computer, such as a desktop or laptop. If you choose a laptop, invest in a separate keyboard, mouse, and monitor to ensure an ergonomic setup.

High-Speed Internet

In order to effectively study online, including attending any remote classes and lectures, you will want a high-speed internet connection. A broadband connection is best, such as a fibre optic cable connection. Mobile internet can be patchy and prone to dropouts and isn’t ideal for remote studying. If you don’t already have a decent connection, when you enroll in your online course, make the switch to a decent internet provider to set you up for success.

Get Noise Canceling Headphones

As anyone who has ever shared a house with a family will testify, this means you can be prone to distraction. Kids can be noisy, and even your spouse watching TV can be a significant distraction. If you’re a mature-aged student, chances are you’re sharing a house with a partner or some kids. For instance, your spouse may put on the latest hot series you are tempted to join them and watch instead of studying during the evening, or your kid might start playing a loud video game or have a noisy phone call.

The perfect way to tune out such annoyances, distractions, and general chaos and focus on your adult education is with a pair of noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones. Put on some music if you don’t find it too distracting. Or, you could have no music and instead rely on high-tech noise cancellation to reduce the background household noise and allow you to focus entirely on your study.

Time Management 

You’re probably already a whiz at this, but adult education requires you to manage your time effectively. This is especially the case if you have to balance your studies with work, family commitments, chores, and other life admin tasks. It can be hard to find the time to attend to your education, but you must do.

One great tip is to block out your calendar for chunks of study time, such as setting aside a couple of hours each day for study. You should also schedule your class, lecture, and other things that you have to attend to get course credit and marks.

It is worth negotiating with your partner or children (if they’re old enough) to share the household duties. They can take on more chores, or you can leave the laundry and dishes for the evening when you’re free and can attend to these mundane tasks.

Consider investing in a time management app on your phone or computer if you’re struggling with this.

Digital Discovery

Balancing Work

If you’re an adult enrolled in online study, chances are you’ll have to balance your job with your education. This can be tricky, but it’s manageable with a few tweaks. If you work full-time, you may have to elect to study part-time and complete your education after hours. However, this can be tough to manage and can lead to exhaustion and burnout.

A better option is to negotiate a drop in your hours to part-time while you complete your online course. If your workplace values you, they should agree to this without any issues. If they decline, consider finding another role that has the flexibility and friendly hours that you require in order to complete your education.

Some employers are very supportive when it comes to staff study, particularly if the qualification will benefit the company. Before you enroll, have a chat with your manager and see if there is support available. You may even be eligible for a scholarship to pay for some of your tuition if your employer has this policy.

An Adult Education Summary

This helpful article has shared the digital discovery, and you’ve learned some essential tips and hacks to transition to online education as an adult. We’ve shared about creating a dedicated study space at home, reducing distractions, and juggling chores and work and family life. By now, you’re ready to take the plunge.

Digital DIscovery