Understanding Scholarships, Benefits and Types


What is a Scholarship?

Scholarships are allowances given to students or students as aid for study costs.

From the definition of scholarships above, it is clear that scholarships are financial assistance so that a student can participate in learning activities at a lower cost. Because of the nature of assistance, the amount of scholarships given to recipients varies, it can be in the form of full scholarships, partial scholarships or assistance with certain facilities that support learning.

Scholarship Benefits for Recipients

Getting a scholarship certainly provides many benefits, as a recipient the following are some of the benefits.

  • Reduction of school or college fees

Wouldn’t it be great if you had the opportunity to go to school or college without thinking about the cost? Just focus on studying and the assignments given. If it’s like that, the performance should also be okay.

  • An honor that can be included as a portfolio

To get a scholarship, in general, prospective recipients are required to take a series of tests and selections which are followed by hundreds or even thousands of other scholarship hunters.

If you succeed in passing the selection, you can be proud of yourself. And if the scholarship is really prestigious, it would be very okay to include it as a portfolio.

  • Get a relationship with fellow scholarship recipients

Scholarship givers often hold events that will gather scholarship recipients. At events like this, the opportunity to get acquainted and gain relationships is wide open.

You can share information about lectures, research collaborations and even future careers. Moreover, of course the scholarship recipients are people who are also not ordinary.


Scholarship Benefits for Givers

From the scholarship provider’s perspective, it turns out that providing scholarships also has very good goals and benefits. There are several reasons why scholarships are awarded.

  • Increase learning opportunities and human resources

Scholarships, especially those given by the government, are aimed at increasing public participation to be able to receive higher education.

As is known, not everyone can afford to pay for school or college fees, which from year to year tend to be more expensive. Therefore, many scholarships come from government or non-government institutions.

With more people with higher education, it is hoped that it will become a valuable asset for the country’s development in the future. Likewise with scholarships given by companies or agencies to their employees, this aims to improve the quality of human resources in the company.

  • Capture the best talent from an early age

Some companies provide scholarships on the condition that after graduating the scholarship recipient must work in the place of the scholarship provider. In this way, companies can get superior candidates from the start.

  • Effective methods of promotion and branding

Many companies provide scholarships as an effort to promote the company. By providing scholarships, a company can be seen as contributing to the community so that indirectly more people will use its products.


Scholarship Types

After knowing the benefits and understanding of scholarships, it is also necessary to know the types of scholarships. The following are the types of scholarships available.

Types of scholarships based on scholarship coverage

Full scholarships, namely scholarships that cover all costs from admission to graduation. The cost of living may also be included in the costs covered by this scholarship depending on the scholarship provider.

Partial or partial scholarships, namely scholarships that cover only a part of it. Scholarship recipients still need to pay

Types of scholarships by scholarship provider

  • Government scholarship
  • Private scholarship
  • International scholarships
  • Organizational scholarship

Types of scholarships by purpose

  • Award Scholarship.
  • Aid scholarship
  • Non-academic scholarships
  • Research scholarship
  • Service bond scholarship


Career scholarship program from careery.pro

Currently accepting applications for career scholarship recipients from Сareery, there are many benefits that can be obtained when participating in this scholarship program, one of which is getting a $1000 scholarship with the best cover letter.

What are the requirements, the condition is that you must be a High school, college, and university student.

All you have to do is submit your cover letter and we will judge it on qualities like creativity, persuasiveness, and originality.

Submit your cover letter today for your chance to win!

For more information you can visit Сareery.