15 most affordable boarding schools in South Africa

15 most affordable boarding schools in South Africa
15 most affordable boarding schools in South Africa

According to Statista, about 845.5 thousand children in South Africa are out of school. This may be due to the cost of education in SA, or the lack of information about the most affordable boarding schools in South Africa they can leverage.

With over 24,998 schools in South Africa, you can find some affordable boarding schools in Gauteng, Pretoria, Limpopo, KZN, and other states where your children can acquire quality education without spending so much on fees and other expenses.

Through this article, you’ll learn about some of the cheapest boarding schools around South Africa where you can enroll your kids.

You’ll also learn about the types of Boarding Schools within South Africa and why it may be a great decision to enroll your child in a boarding school.

It is often tough for you and your child to part ways after deciding that a boarding school is the best option. One moment, you’re asking yourself if it’s really worth sending your child away from home and the next moment you’re contemplating changing your mind. 

If this describes your situation, then we’ve also laid down some reasons why it may be a good idea for your child to attend a boarding school in South Africa.

Read on to find out more.

Reasons Why Your Child Should Attend Boarding School in South Africa

Below are some amazing reasons why boarding school in South Africa may be a great choice for your child:

1. Less Distraction, More Study

In boarding schools, children do not have so much access to distractions like Social Media, television and so much more. Great boarding schools prepare a strict timetable to guide the daily activities of their enrolled students.  

These timetables/schedules are built to reduce the number of distractions and improve a child’s study habits. There are also special periods within the day allocated solely for study. 

2. Access to School Facilities

Boarding students have longer access to the Facilities of their school because they often live within the school premises.

This will allow them to have more time to explore the library, conduct research and engage in other creative activities using the school’s facilities. Additionally, students also have longer access to teachers in case they may need help with difficult assignments and tasks.

3. Extracurricular Activities

Certain boarding schools offer extraCurricular Activities like sports, events, debates, excursions etc to their students. This will allow students to develop a balanced lifestyle and learn other activities apart from classroom work.

Most boarding schools spend approximately 12 hours engaging in sports and performing other extracurricular activities as opposed to the 9 hours spent by day schools.

4. Become Independent Individuals

Living away from home may be challenging, however, at boarding schools, one important life skill students adopt is ‘independence”. Children learn to cater for their own activities and learn to take responsibility for their affairs.

This enables children to develop healthy beliefs in themselves and their abilities.

They also learn to manage their time better, take care of themselves, organise their activities and become self-motivated.

5. Find New Friends

As students interact with each other for longer periods, they tend to develop bonds with one another and become friends as time progresses.

Through these interactions, children learn to build healthy relationships and lasting friendships with other individuals. Nevertheless, it is important to guide your children on the kinds of people they should associate themselves with to avoid negative influences.

Types of Boarding Schools in South Africa

Boarding schools in South Africa can be broken down into 2 categories.

The categories of boarding schools in South Africa include:

  • Independent Boarding Schools 
  • Public Boarding Schools.

1. Independent Boarding Schools

Independent Boarding Schools are also known as private boarding schools because they are funded by private individuals or non-governmental organisations. All activities within an independent boarding school are not funded by the government or its agencies.

These types of boarding schools are sometimes argued to be different from private schools when they are financed by donations, charity or sponsorships from foundations. Some of these schools fall under the affordable boarding schools within South Africa.

2. Public Boarding Schools

Public boarding schools are residential institutions of learning or schools which are financed by either the local, state, federal or regional government. These kinds of institutions are owned by the state to offer education to its citizens as well as international students. 

The major difference between an independent boarding school and a public boarding school is that the former is funded by independent individuals or organisations while the latter is funded by the state. South Africa also has some affordable public boarding schools for both national and international students.

List of the most affordable boarding schools in South Africa 

Below is a list of the most affordable boarding schools in South Africa:

  1. Pietermaritzburg Girls’ High School
  2. Northwood School
  3. Rustenburg Educational College
  4. Wartburg Kirchdorf School
  5. Maritzburg College
  6. Parktown Boys’ High School
  7. Pretoria Boys High School
  8. Pretoria Girls High School
  9. Roedean School 
  10. King Edward VII school 
  11. St Andrew’s School for Girls 
  12. St Alban’s College
  13. St Mary’s School
  14. St Stithians College
  15. Waverley Girls’ High School.

15 most affordable boarding schools in South Africa

Here is an overview of 15 of the most affordable boarding schools in South Africa where you can enroll your child.

1. Pietermaritzburg Girls’ High School

  • Fees: R40,278 to R43,000 per annum
  • Grades: 8-12
  • Location: 186 Alexandra Road Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, 3201 South Africa.

This is an all-girls high school in South Africa with a boarding facility that accommodates about 200 boarding students. The dormitory is divided into the junior phase dorm and the senior phase dorm with 3 lounges inside the boarding facility.

Fees at this institution cost R43,000 per annum for grade 8 students and R40,278 for grade 9 to 12 students which is payable over 10 months.

However, students may receive some discounts on tuition fees in certain Months.

If you’re looking to enroll your child into an affordable boarding school in Kwazulu Natal, then you may want to consider this school.

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2. Northwood School

  • Fees:  R56,950 to R61,460 per annum 
  • Grades: 8-12
  • Location: Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.

Northwood School is a public boarding school in Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa which is regarded as one of the best all-boys High Schools in the city.

Students who are able to pay up their full fees before the 31st of December are eligible for an 8% discount while those who pay fully before the end of February of the next year will attract a 4% discount. Also, some admitted students receive scholarships from the school to pay for study expenses.

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3. Rustenburg Educational College

  • Fees:  R45,900 per annum 
  • Grades: primary and secondary
  • Location: 184 Machol St, Olifantsnek / Ntsedimane, Rustenburg, 0300, South Africa.

Rustenburg Educational College has both a primary and secondary boarding establishment which also contains recreational facilities for students.

Students can enrol into the termly hostel accommodation which houses 2 to 4 boarders per room. Admitted students undergo controlled study hours under the supervision of qualified educators. These students also gain access to 3 meals daily in the boarding facility.

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4. Wartburg Kirchdorf School

  • Fees:  Differs for different grades.
  • Grades: pre-primary to High School 
  • Location: 9 Fountain Hill Rd, Wartburg, 3233, South Africa.

Wartburg is a coeducational Christian High School with boarding facilities for grade 6 to 12 students. This boarding school was established in Wartburg by Lutheran churches.

It caters to both boys and girls and provides a conducive Christian environment for its students. Boys and girls stay in different dorms, but senior girls enjoy private dormitories.

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5. Maritzburg College

  • Fees:  R138,930 to R146,850 per annum.
  • Grades: 8-12
  • Location: 51 College Rd, Pelham, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, South Africa.

Maritzburg College is regarded as one of the oldest schools in South Africa. It is an all-boys semi-private boarding school with the English language as the medium of learning.

This High school has a capacity of over 1,000 students and 400 boarders.

Boarding students in grades 9 to 12 pay a fee of R138,930 per annum, while those of grade 8 pay a fee of R146,850 per annum.

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6. Parktown Boys’ High School

  • Fees:  R72,500 per annum.
  • Grades: 8-12
  • Location: 20 Wellington Rd, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193, South Africa.

This public high school with a boarding school in South Africa is for boys only. However, the school has an all-girls division which is known as Parktown High School for girls.

The school has a capacity of approximately 900 students and a weekly boarding establishment from Sunday to Friday for its students.

This school boasts of a balanced boarding life for its students which includes; structured study sessions, professional house masters and an opportunity for meaningful socialisation.

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7. Pretoria Boys High School

  • Fees:  R76,100 per annum.
  • Grades: 8-12
  • Location: 200 Roper St, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0181, South Africa.

Looking for a public English medium High school in South Africa with a boarding facility? Here is one. Pretoria Boys High School is for male students but it has a female extension which is the Pretoria Girls High School. The school caters to students in grades 8 to 12 and has an estimated student capacity of 1500 with 2 campuses.

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8. Pretoria Girls High School

  • Fees:  R65,000 per annum.
  • Grades: 8-12
  • Location: 949 Park Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa.

This is the sister school of the Pretoria Boys High School located in Gauteng, South Africa. The school is a public institution for girls only with their medium of instruction as the English language.

Pretoria Girls High school boasts of an approximate student capacity of 1300 day and boarding girls. Additionally, it has two weekly boarding establishments which can house about 142 girls.

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9. Roedean School For Girls 

In South Africa, Roedean School operates as a private High School for girls between the age of 5 to 18. The school claims to have a student capacity of over 800 girls in its junior and senior schools.

Roedean School for girls has a sister school in England and operates with the Christian worldview. Students also have access to certain scholarships that may aid their education and reduce the cost of study.

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10. King Edward VII school 

  • Fees:  R75,000 per annum 
  • Grades: 8-12
  • Location: 44 St Patrick Rd, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, 2198, South Africa

This male Boarding High school in South Africa is regarded as a historical Milner school. It is a public High School with a Christian religious affiliation and an all-girls sister school called Waverley Girls’ High School.

King Edward VII school claims to be able to house 1,200 boys within its facility which offers both day and boarding schooling. 

Boarders students have 3 boarding houses for different learning grades which includes:

  • Grade 8 – School House
  • Grade 9 – Donald Gordon House
  • Grade 10 to 12 – Buxton House.

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11. St Andrew’s School for Girls 

  • Fees:  R75,000 per annum 
  • Grades: 8-12
  • Location: St Andrews Ave, Senderwood, Germiston, 2145, South Africa.

St Andrew’s school for girls has a preschool, junior school and senior school. However, only senior school students are admitted into the boarding facility.

The school also offers scholarships to grade 8 students who show competence in their English and Mathematics written entrance Examination after the submission of the application to be admitted into grade 8. Girls can also earn scholarships for their performance in sports, music and arts.

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12. St Alban’s College 

  • Fees:  R272,850 per annum 
  • Grades: 8-12
  • Location: 110 Clearwater Road, Lynnwood Glen, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa 

St Alban’s College is an all-boys private school with an affordable boarding facility in Gauteng, South Africa. The language of instruction at St Alban’s College is the English language. Many people regard it as one of the most prestigious High schools in South Africa because of its reputation and academic history.

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13. St Mary’s School, Waverly

  • Grades: 000-12
  • Location: 55 Athol St, Waverley, Johannesburg, 2090, South Africa

St Mary’s School is a private high school for girls with the English language as the medium of instruction. The school offers students different types of Boarding experiences which includes both full-time and weekly boarding.

This school caters for the education of students from pre-primary to grade 12. However, boarding is only available to students from grade 8 to matric.

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14. St Stithians College

  • Fees:  R115,720 per annum 
  • Grades: Junior Prep to 8 – 12
  • Location: 40 Peter Place, Lyme Park, Sandton, 2060, South Africa.

This independent Methodist High school in South Africa is organised into 6 Schools within its major urban campus. The school is a coeducational school that caters to the studies of both male and female students of different grades and ages. Within St Stithians College, there are 8 sub-schools which include:

  • Junior Preparatory
  • Boys’ Preparatory
  • Girls’ Preparatory
  • Boys’ College
  • Girls’ College
  • Kamoka Bush School
  • Thandulwazi
  • St Stithians Online School.

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15. Waverley Girls’ High School

  • Fees:  R45,075
  • Grades: 8-12
  • Location: 89 Athol St, Waverley, Johannesburg, 2090, South Africa.

Waverley Girls’ High School is a public suburban all-girls high school in Waverly South Africa which is a sister school to King Edward VII high school. Your daughter will gain access to the rich curriculum within the school FET and GET grades.

Enrolled students also gain access to extra curriculum training in Robotics, Science lab work, and solar computer labs for online courses.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

1. Are Boarding Schools in South Africa Worth it?

There are some amazing boarding schools in South Africa that are worth it where your child can gain access to the best education. Some of these schools expose children to healthy activities that help improve their child's discipline, confidence, and social life. All you need to do is to choose the school that's a great match for your child.

2. How do I prepare my child for boarding school?

To prepare your child for boarding school, you need to teach them some important morals and interpersonal skills that will be helpful to them away from home. You also need to prepare their minds for the challenges that they may face away from home. Other things you can do to prepare your child for boarding school includes; • Packing their luggage with clothes, supplies, and other necessary belongings. • Giving them advice and valuable support. • Listening to them to know how they feel about a boarding school.

3. What questions are asked in boarding school interviews?

During some boarding school admissions processes, prospective students may go through an interview. Some of the common questions you may come across includes: • What is the most important thing you can learn in school? • Why are you pursuing a boarding school education? • What is your current school like? • What do you consider your personal strengths and weaknesses? • Do you engage in extracurricular activities? • Why did you choose this school?

4. What do I look out for in a boarding school?

When searching for boarding for your child, below are some important things to look out for: • Location, • Tuition and Total Cost, • Extra-Curricular Activities, • Is it Co-ed, Religious, Single-sex? • Facilities and Staff, • College placement, • Reputation

5. How do I know if boarding school is right for me?

There are now special traits that show if boarding school is right for you or not. However, the following could be a way to know if boarding school is right for you: • You are or you want to be independent • You'd like to explore what it feels like to be away from home. • You want to meet and live with people from different places, families, and religions. • You're curious about boarding school life.

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So many affordable boarding schools are available in different states around South Africa.

Depending on your location or where you’ve decided that your child will study, you can find affordable boarding schools in Limpopo, KZN, Gauteng, Pretoria and other states within South Africa.

We have made a list of some of these Boarding High schools around South Africa. Kindly ensure that you do well to compare them to find the one that suits your child best.