50 Automobile Engineering MCQ and Answers

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By practicing automobile engineering MCQ, an individual can prepare for competitive exams, entrance exams, and interviews that will lead to the award of an automobile engineering degree.

Daily practice is essential for good results as well as learning and mastering numerous vehicle engineering applications.

Here you will get to learn about automobile engineering multi-choice questions and the numerous benefits of our automobile engineering MCQ PDF Objective Questions.

In this article are some automotive engineering MCQ tests that will assess your fundamental knowledge of automotive engineering programs.

This Automobile Engineering test consists of approximately 50 multiple-choice questions with four options. By clicking the blue link, you will see the right solution.

Table of Contents

What is automobile engineering MCQ?

Automobile engineering multiple-choice question (MCQ) is a form of questionnaire question that offers respondents various answer choices.

It is also known as an objective response question since it asks responders to select only the right answers from the available possibilities.

MCQs are commonly used in educational assessment, customer feedback, market research, elections, and so on. They have the same structure, even though they adopt diverse forms depending on their purpose.

Anyone can use these automotive engineering MCQ pdf and answer them regularly to prepare for interviews on automotive engineering themes. These objective questions are a quick technique to improve conceptual understanding through frequent practice, which will enable you easily crack any technical interview, ensuring a prosperous career.

What are the pros of using automobile engineering MCQ to test students’ knowledge?

Here are the benefits of automobile engineering MCQ for students:

  • MCQs are an effective technique for assessing knowledge and comprehension of complicated ideas.
  • A teacher can quickly assess pupils’ comprehension of diverse topics because they can react fast to several choices.
  •  It is essentially a memory exercise, which isn’t always a terrible thing.
  • They can be written in such a way that they assess a wide spectrum of higher-order thinking skills.
  • Can cover a wide range of topics on a single exam and still be completed in a single class time.

Automobile engineering MCQ with answers

Here are the top 50 automobile engineering MCQs that are normally asked by the best automobile engineering colleges in the World:

#1. Which of the following is an advantage of an aluminium alloy cylinder block over a grey cast iron cylinder block?

  • a.) Machinability
  • b.) Density
  • c.) Thermal expansion coefficient
  • d.) Thermoelectric conductivity


#2. What is cast in the crankcase for added strength and to support the camshaft bearings?

  • a.) Filter for oil
  • b.) Arm with a rocker
  • c.) Rims
  • d.) Manifolds


#3. Which scavenging mechanism is employed in two-wheelers that do not have a deflector-type piston?

  • a.) Scavenging in reverse flow
  • b.) Cross-scavenging
  • c.) Uniform scavenging
  • d.) Scavenging loops


#4. What is the Pintle nozzle’s spray cone angle?

  • a.) 15°
  • b.) 60°
  • c.) 25°
  • d.) 45°


#5. In the CI engine, when is the fuel injected?

  • a.) Stroke of compression
  • b.) Stroke of expansion
  • c.) The suction stroke
  • d.)  Stroke of exhaustion

Stroke of compression

#6. When entering a bend –

  • a.) The front wheels are spinning at various angles.
  • b.) Toeing out the front wheels
  • c.) The angle of the inside front wheels is greater than the angle of the outside wheel.
  • d.) Everything mentioned above

Everything mentioned above

#7. The exhaust valve on current four-stroke engines opens only –

  • a.) Before TDC
  • b.) Before BDC
  • c.) Before TDC
  • d.) Following BDC

Before BDC

#8. Petrol engines are also referred to as –

  • a.) Engines with compression ignition (C.I.)
  • b.) Engines with spark ignition (S.I.)
  • c.) Engines powered by steam
  • d.) None of these is correct.

Engines with spark ignition (S.I.)

#9. The power generated inside the engine cylinder is referred to as –

  • a.) Frictional force
  • b.) braking force
  • c.) Indicated Power
  • d.) None of the above

Indicated Power

Automobile engineering MCQ for diploma

#10. The battery is an electrochemical device, which means it stores electricity

  • a.) Chemical action is used to generate electricity.
  • b.) Chemicals are produced mechanically.
  • c.) Instead of flat plates, it has curved plates.
  • d.) None of the preceding

Chemical action is used to generate electricity

#11. A petrol engine’s compression ratio is near –

  • a.)  8:1
  • b.) 4:1
  • c.) 15:1
  • d.) 20:1


#12. A brake fluid’s basic properties are as follows:

  • a.) Low viscosity
  • b.) A highly boiling point
  • c.) Compatibility with rubber and metal parts
  • d.) All of the above

All of the above

#13. A lead-acid battery’s negative plates have –

  • a. PbSO4 (lead sulphate)
  • b. PbO2 (lead peroxide)
  • c. Lead that is spongy (Pb)
  • d. H2SO4 (sulphuric acid)

Spongy lead (Pb)

#14. Petrol that detonates readily is referred to be –

  • a.) low-octane petrol
  • b.) High-octane gasoline
  • c.) Unleaded petrol
  • d.) Blended fuel

Low-octane petrol

#15. In hydraulic brakes, the brake pipe is comprised of

  • a.) PVC
  • b.) Steel
  • c.) Rubber
  • d.) Copper


#16. The ease with which a liquid vaporizes is referred to as 

  • a.) Volatility
  • b.) Octane rating
  • c.) Vapourability
  • d.) Vaporizer


#17. What are the active elements in both the negative and positive plates that change as the battery discharges

  • a.)  Spongy lead
  • b.)  Sulphuric acid
  • c.)  Lead oxide
  • d.)  Lead sulphate

Lead sulphate

#18. The pipes used in diesel engines, from the pump to the nozzle, are made of

  • a.)  PVC
  • b.)  Rubber
  • c.)  Steel
  • d.)  Copper


#19. What are the two kinds of antifreeze?

  • a.)  Isooctane and ethylene glycol
  • b.)  Alcohol base and ethylene glycol
  • c. ) Ethylene glycol and propylene glycol
  • d.) Alcohol base

Alcohol base and ethylene glycol

Automobile Chassis and body engineering MCQ

#20. The material added to the oil to assist maintain the engine clean is known as

  • a.)  Grease
  • b.)  Thickening agent
  • c. ) Soap
  • d. ) Detergent


#21. Crankshafts are typically forged to achieve

  • a.)  Minimum friction effects
  • b.)  A good mechanical design
  • c.) Good grain structure
  • d.)  Improved corrosion structure

 A good mechanical design

#22. The number of parallel lines in a lap winding of a DC generator’s armature is equal to

  • a.)  Half the number of poles
  • b.)  The number of poles
  • c.)  Two
  • d.) Three poles

Number of poles

#23. The unsprung mass in a vehicle system is mostly made up of

  • a.)  The frame assembly
  • b. ) Gearbox and propeller shaft
  • c.)  Axle and the parts attached to it
  • d. ) Engine and associated parts

Axle and the parts attached to it

#24. One of the following is a shock absorber’s components 

  • a.) Valves
  • b.) Coupler
  • c.) Valve springs
  • d.) Pistons


#25. The automobile chassis comprises the engine, frame, power train, wheels, steering, and …………..

  • a.)  The doors
  • b.)  Luggage boot
  • c.)  Windshield
  • d.)  Braking system

Braking system

#26. The frame supports the engine body, power train elements, and…

  • a.)  Wheels
  • b. ) Jack
  • c.)  Road
  • d.) Rod


#27.  The number of frames that are typically used to support the engine is

  • a.)  Four or five
  • b. ) One or two
  • c. ) Three or four
  • d. ) One or two

Three or four

#28. The shock absorbers’ function is to

  • a.)  Strengthen frame
  • b.)  Damp spring oscillations
  • c.)  Improve the rigidity of spring mountings
  • d) To be strong

Damp spring oscillations

#29. The pressure required to deflect a spring in mm is called the spring

  • a.)  Weight
  • b.)  Deflection
  • c.)  Rate
  • d.)  Rebound


Basic automobile engineering MCQ

#30. A double-acting shock absorber usually has

  • a.)  Unequal pressure acting on either side
  • b.)  Equal pressure on either side
  • c.)  Pressure acting only on one side
  • d.) Minimal pressure

Unequal pressure acting on either side

# 31. In a car, the dynamo’s function is to

  • A.) Act as a reservoir of electrical energy
  • B.) Continually recharge the battery
  • C.) Convert mechanical energy into electrical energy
  • D.) Partly convert engine power into electric power

# 32. What will happen if there is no kingpin offset in a vehicle

  • A.) Starting steering effort will be high
  • B.) Starting steering effort will be zero
  • C.) Wobbling of wheels will increase
  • D.) braking effort will be high

Starting steering effort will be high

#33. The volume of air required in a four-stroke engine for the burning of one litre of fuel is about

  • A.) 1 cu-m
  • B. ) 9 – 10 cu-m
  • C. ) 15 – 16 cu-m
  • D.) 2 cu-m

 9 – 10 cu-m

#34. The igniting of the charge in a spark-ignition engine prior to the spark occurring in the spark plug is referred to as

A.) auto-ignition

B.)  pre-ignition

C.)  detonation

D.)   none of the above


#35. The average driver’s reaction time from identifying an obstruction is used

A.) 0.5 to 1.7 seconds

B.) 4.5 to 7.0 seconds

C.) 3.5 to 4.5 seconds

D.) 7 to 10 seconds

0.5 to 1.7 seconds

#36. The fuel is pumped into the cylinder in the Diesel engine when the piston is

  • A.) Pump the fuel to the injector
  • B.) Approaching T.D.C. during the compression stroke
  • C.) Just after T.D.C. during an exhaust compression stroke
  • D.) Exactly at T.D.C. after the compression stroke

Approaching T.D.C. during the compression stroke

#37. Lubricating oil dilution is caused by

  • A.) Solid contaminants like dust, etc.
  • B.)  Solid combustion residues
  • C.) Worn-off particles
  • D.) Water


#38. Oil scraper rings serve the purpose of

  • A.)  Lubricate cylinder walls
  • B. ) Retain compression
  • C. )  Maintain vacuum
  • D.)  Reduce vacuum

Lubricate cylinder walls

#39. Typically, a speedometer drive is derived from

  • A.)  Gearbox
  • B.)  Dynamo
  • C.)  Fan belt
  • D.)  Front-wheel


#40. A passenger car’s differential unit has a gear ratio of the order of

  • A.)  3; 1
  • B.)  6; 1
  • C.)  2; 1
  • D.)  8; 1

3 ; 1

Automobile engineering MCQ test

#41. Exhaust gas leakage into the cooling system is most often caused by a faulty valve

  • A.)  Cylinder head gasket
  • B. ) Manifold gasket
  • C.)  Water pump
  • D.)  Radiator

Cylinder head gasket

#42. In the case of Tata automobiles, the frame provided for supporting the chassis modules and the body is

  • A.) Cross-member – type frame
  • B.) Centre beam frame
  • C.) Y-shaped tube frame
  • D.0  Self-supporting structure

Cross-member – type frame

#43. Which of the following does not belong to the hydraulic braking system?

Steering mechanism

#44. The supercharging method is intended for

A.) raising exhaust pressure

B. ) increasing density of intake air

C.)  providing air for cooling

D.)  none of the above

E.)  An instrument for smoke analysis

Increasing density of intake air

#45. Diesel fuel in comparison to diesel

  • A.)  More difficult to ignite
  • B.)  Less difficult to ignite
  • C) . Equally difficult to ignite
  • D. 0 None of the above

More difficult to ignite

#46. The engine flywheel is surrounded by a ring gear

  • A.)  To achieve a uniform pace
  • B.)  Using a self-starter to start the engine
  • C.)  To reduce noise
  • D.)  Obtaining varied engine speeds

Using a self-starter to start the engine

#47. The section of the vehicle that houses the passengers and the cargo to be transported is referred to as the

  • A.)  Senan
  • B.)  Chassis
  • C.)  Hull
  • D.)  Cabin


#48. Wax is used to protect the body of a car because

  • A.)  It is water repellent
  • B.)  It seals off the pores
  • C. ) The surface shines
  • D.)  Any of the above

Any of the above

#49. The material used to make synthetic rubber is

  • A.)  Coal
  • B.)  Butadiene
  • C.)  Mineral oil
  • D.)  Crude oil


#50. A 12-volt automobile battery contains how many cells?

  • A.)  2
  • B.)  4
  • C.)  6
  • D.)  8.


Why should automobile MCQ be used to examine students?

  • To improve the reliability of assessments.
  • This makes marking significantly less time-consuming.
  • It makes teachers’ comprehension of students more apparent.
  • All of the above

All of the above

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Automobile engineering MCQ tests can be administered in both offline and online settings, depending on the administrator.

The technology will evaluate correct replies automatically. The quiz creator will create the questions and provide some options that are somewhat near to the correct answer.