15 Best College Majors for Undecided Students

Best college majors for undecided students
Best college majors for undecided students

Hello Dear, it’s fine to be undecided about what your Major will be in College – don’t beat yourself up. In this article, we have written about some of the Best college majors for undecided students like you.

We understand that many people may not be sure about what they would like to build a career in, or what college major will help them achieve their goals and dreams.

If that person is you, you’ll not just find answers here; you’ll also find some tips that will help you to choose a major that’s just right for you.

As you read this article, you’ll also find some frequently asked questions that we’ve gathered from people like you.

Before we go further, here’s a table of content to introduce you to what is to come…

Tips to Help you if You’re Undecided About Your Major

Follow the tips below if you usually feel undecided about the course to major in:

1. Give yourself time to figure it out

The first thing to do when you’re not sure of the major you want to pursue is to give yourself time to think about it. 

This will save you from making hasty decisions and it will help you get clear about your goals.

While you give yourself the time to figure everything out you may also want to try several options out to see what works for you.

2. Consider Your Interests

Understanding what your interests are can go a long way in helping you choose a major.

If you can clearly understand what you’re passionate about and what excites you, then you can find a college major that aligns with such interests.

It is important to consider your interest when deciding on the type of college major to pursue because this will determine to some extent whether you’ll excel in the field or not.

3. Look at Your Beliefs and Values

Another way to figure out the kind of major to pursue in college is to examine your beliefs and values.

You can do this by either looking at what you enjoy doing or by working closely with a counselor to help you discover them.

4. Test Out a Major

If you want to take it a step further you could test out different waters to know if they’ll work for you or not.

This approach helps you to have first-hand experience while you undergo the requirements of the major to figure out if it is something you’d like to do or not.

You can do this by exploring different majors and interests during your first year of study in any college of your choice.

5. Work With An Academic Advisor

If you think you can’t figure it all out by yourself, it’s okay to ask for help.

However, don’t make the mistake of seeking help from the wrong places. 

It is important to work with a professional counselor or a career/academic advisor to help you uncover what college major may be right for you depending on your natural abilities, interest, and talents.

Once you’ve followed the tips above, look through the courses listed below and decide which best suits you.

List of the Top College Majors for Undecided Students

Below is a list of the top college majors for undecided students:

15 Best College Majors For Undecided Students

Read further to get a description of the 15 best college majors for undecided students.

1. Business

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours 

Business is a great college major for any student who is still undecided about what they really want to build a career in.

This is because Business is a versatile field of study and you can still find the knowledge you’ll acquire to be valuable in other endeavors of life.

Additionally, you can work in a wide range of industries and you can also choose to build your own business as an entrepreneur. 

2. Communications

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours 

One of the most significant skills anyone can possess is the skill of effective communication

Communication is useful in so many works of life because it helps you to effectively share your ideas, relate with people, and even manage your relationships with people.

This makes it a great choice for undecided students because they can easily transition into other fields and still find the knowledge they’ll acquire to be very valuable.

3. Political Science

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

There’s a misconception that a major in Political science is only for aspiring politicians.

Political Science is one of the versatile majors anyone can choose to study in college.

This is because most of the concepts that will form part of your curriculum and coursework will be real-life related issues that affect humans in general.

With a political science major, students have gone on to build Careers in;

  • Law
  • Politics
  • Business
  • Government
  • Education and a host of other fields of life.

4. Psychology and Neuroscience

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

As you may know, psychology and Neuroscience have applications in a wide variety of career fields.

Psychology and Neuroscience may be a worthy choice for undecided students because of the massive impact they can have on your life as well as the lives of others.

With a bachelor’s degree in psychology, students learn to communicate, think and understand human behavior.

With this kind of knowledge, you can build a Career in:

  • Research 
  • Counseling
  • Education
  • Statistics 
  • Marketing and Advertising etc.

5. Liberal Studies

  • Typical Duration: 3.5 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

Most courses you’ll undergo during your Liberal Studies education will include general topics.

As an undecided student, this will enable you to have a well-rounded knowledge of different subjects like mathematics, history, literature, philosophy, and many more.

Through Liberal Studies, you’ll be prepared in multidisciplinary career fields like humanities, social sciences, arts as well as Natural sciences.

6. Computer Science

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

As an aspiring college student who is yet to decide on the right college major to study, computer science is another recommendation you may find valuable.

Technology is constantly evolving and with every new change that comes, there’s an increasing need for computer-related technologies and skills.

This may mean that individuals who possess the necessary skills will have access to more job opportunities, attractive salaries, and even promising career options.

7. Education

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

Another college major we recommend for undecided students in Education. 

The reason for this is that with an education major you’ll be able to explore and understand human learning.

Through your study as an Education major, you’ll acquire knowledge and skills that will shape the way you think and pass across information to others. 

8. Mathematics 

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

If you’re the kind of person that loves to solve analytical problems you may find this college major to be very interesting.

Apart from the fact that you’ll understand the core concepts of physics and engineering better, you’ll also develop to become a better problem solver and a critical thinker.

Mathematics is an important part of a vast number of industries. This means that with a college major in Mathematics, you may open yourself up to so many opportunities.

9. English 

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

If you’re undecided, you may want to consider a college major in the English language.

The English language is one of the most popular languages in the world which gives it a universal value that students can leverage.

As an English major, you can have career options like;

  • Travel and Hospitality
  • Teaching
  • Media & Communications
  • Journalism
  • Interpreter
  • Writer
  • Librarian etc. 

10. History

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

History is an important part of every human culture because it forms our identity, tells our story, and describes our origin.

A major in History could prepare you for careers in Research, Arts, International relations, Law, and even public political institutions.

You’ll get to understand the culture and traditions of people at an in-depth level and this will open up your mind to view the world from a new perspective.

11. Economics

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

So long as man and enterprises exist, there would be a need to understand how resources are produced, allocated, and managed.

This college major will be attractive to undecided students who have an interest in understanding the background activities that control the demand and supply of resources.

A degree in economics will teach you about different economic policies and principles and the impact they can have on people, businesses, and nations.

Typically, the course work will cover areas like;

  • Statistics
  • Mathematics
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Analytics 
  • Monetary and fiscal policy
  • International trade
  • Econometrics and lots more.

12. Public Policy

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

We often suggest that undecided students should take up broad college majors that can allow them to transition into other careers easily.

Public policy is one of such broad college majors because of its interconnection with other branches of life and fields of study.

As a public policy student, you improve your leadership and critical thinking abilities as you learn about policymaking.

During your study, you may be required to take on projects, acquire practical experience from internships and participate in field trips and volunteering activities.

13. Biology 

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

Biology is a field of study concerned with the structure behavior and function of life or living matter.

If you’re an undecided student with an interest in science, you may want to consider a major in Biology because of its versatile and interesting nature.

During your study, you’ll get to learn about plants and animals, cells, and other life forms and organisms.

As a graduate of Biology you can choose to build a career in the following fields:

  • Healthcare
  • Research
  • Education etc.

  • Typical Duration: 4 years 
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

With the robust course work and curriculum of legal studies, Students can diversify into many other career fields if they decide not to practice law.

You’ll get acquainted with the analysis of different Laws, arguments as well as Constitutional statements.

This will be valuable to you not just in the court of law but also in your personal and interpersonal life. The invaluable skills like negotiation, discernment, and organization you’ll acquire may prove useful in areas like:

  • Real estate
  • Investment and Finance
  • Social Work
  • Government
  • Politics 
  • Law etc.

15. Philosophy

  • Typical Duration: 4 years
  • Total Credit: 120 credit hours

Philosophy has been around for a long time and has become an important part of our human culture.

Great philosophers like Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle have made relevant impacts and contributions to our world today.

Philosophy is great for anyone who may want to understand humans and our world in general at a more advanced level.

You could also choose to combine philosophy with other college programs like;

  • Journalism
  • Law
  • Education
  • Psychology etc 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What courses should I take in college if I'm undecided?

We suggest that you take general courses that allow you to explore various fields. General education courses are typically versatile introductory courses that students are expected to take before their academic major. Examples of general courses may include ✓Introduction to Psychology. ✓Introduction to English. ✓Introduction to Sociology.

2. How do I pick what I want to major in college?

There's a lot of things to consider when you want to pick a college major. Some of these things may include; ✓What are your Interests, Passion, and Values? ✓What is your Goal? ✓What kind of Salary are you looking forward to? ✓What field would you like to build a career in? ✓What is your plan for the future and your life in general

3. Do the majors you take in college determine your career path?

Not always. So many people are currently practicing in fields that are totally different from their college majors. However, for a handful of careers, you must have a major in them before you can even think of building a career in that field. Fields like engineering, law, medicine, and other core professions that require a lot of expertise and experience.

4. Is it bad to be an undecided major in college?

No. However, we advise that you try to figure out what you really want to build a career in and prepare yourself with the necessary skills that will help you achieve them.

5. How do I figure out the right career/job for me?

Here's a quick roadmap you may follow to figure out what career and job is right for you; ✓ Take out some time alone to think. ✓ Carry out Research ✓ Create a Strategy ✓ Set intermediate Goals ✓ Create a Vision Board.

Important Recommendations


Hey Scholar, We hope you’ve been able to find some answers to your questions. 

Being undecided about what your major would be in college has always been a common problem amongst aspiring college students.

You shouldn’t feel shy about it. Take your time, to figure out what would work best for you using the tips from this article.

We wish you all the best.