30 Best Esthetician Schools Online in 2023

Best Esthetician Schools Online
Best Esthetician Schools Online

Esthetics is one of the programs that are rarely offered online. This is because it’s necessary for aspiring estheticians to get hands-on training before they can get a license. However, World Scholars Hub did wide research and compiled a list of some of the best esthetician schools online.

Most esthetician schools online don’t offer full online programs. Students will have to get hands-on training on campus. The only theory part of the training is offered online.

The online esthetician schools are created for working adults who wish to pursue careers in the beauty industry.

This article will guide you on how to become an esthetician and where to find the best online esthetician schools.

Who is an Esthetician?

An Esthetician is a professional skin specialist trained to provide services for the beautification of the skin.

Duties of an Esthetician

An Esthetician is trained to perform the following duties:

  • Facial and skin treatment
  • Body waxing
  • Facial massage
  • Provide skincare recommendations to clients
  • Treatment of some skin diseases like acne and eczema treatment
  • Makeup application
  • Microdermabrasion – a cosmetic treatment in which the face is sprayed with exfoliating crystals to remove dead epidermal cells.


The length of a full esthetic program is between 4 months to 12 months.

You are expected to spend nothing less than 600 hours on training.

Where Can an Esthetician work?

Licensed Estheticians can work in different industries.

Here is a list of places estheticians can be found:

  • Beauty spas
  • Gyms
  • Hotels
  • Cruise ships
  • Salon
  • Dermatology office.

Estheticians can also start up a business in the beauty industry.

Differences Between an Esthetician and a Dermatologist

Both professionals focus on the skin, but they don’t perform the same duties.

Dermatologists are medical doctors that specialize in diagnosing and treating medical skin conditions. While Estheticians are professional skin specialists that focus on the beautification of the skin.

Dermatologists can work in medical offices while Estheticians can be found in beauty spas, salons, and gyms. However, Estheticians can also work in Dermatology offices under the supervision of dermatologists.

Dermatologists spend years in school while an esthetics program can be completed in months.

Also, Dermatologists earn more than Estheticians. According to Payscale.com, as of January 2022, the average salary for a dermatologist is $245,059 while the average hourly pay for an Esthetician is $14.60.

How to Become a Licensed Esthetician

If you wish to pursue a career as an Esthetician and become a fully licensed Esthetician, then you should take these 7 steps:

Step 1: Be at least 18 years of age

A lot of esthetician schools have an age requirement. Applicants must be at least 18 years old.

Step 2: Check your State Requirements

Each state has different requirements for practicing as an Esthetician. Do well to check your State’s requirements and see if you meet the requirements.

Step 3: Find an Accredited or State approved Esthetician school

To sit for a license examination you must have completed an esthetics program in an accredited or state-approved school.

Step 4: Complete an Esthetics program

Enroll in an esthetics program with at least 600 training hours.

Most states require at least 600 training hours from an aspiring estheticians before they can take a license examination.

Step 5: Take a license examination

After the successful completion of an accredited esthetics program, the next step is to sit for a licensing exam. You will be awarded a license after passing the exam.

Step 6: Get a Job

After you become a licensed esthetician, the next step is to look for employment. You can look for employment in spas, hotels, salons, gyms, and even dermatology offices.

Step 7: Enroll in Continuing Education Courses

You may be asked to complete a continuing education course before you can renew your license as an Esthetician.

Accredited Esthetician Courses

Here are some of the courses that an Esthetician covers during training:

  • Skincare Therapy
  • Facial treatments
  • Makeup
  • Hair removal
  • Anatomy
  • Cosmetic Chemistry
  • Color Therapy.

List of the 30 Best Esthetician Schools Online

Below are the best esthetician schools to attend online:

  1. Mirage Spa Education
  2. Aglaia Esthetics
  3. Honolulu Nail and Aesthetics Academy
  4. Edith Serei Academy
  5. 3D Lash & Brow Salon Academy
  6. Estelle Skincare and Spa Institute
  7. New Age Spa
  8. Concepts Institute of Advanced Esthetics
  9. NIMA Institute
  10. New Age Spa Institute (NASI)
  11. The Esthetic Institute
  12. Westside Tech
  13. JD Academy of Salon and Spa
  14. Victory’s Academy of Cosmetology
  15. Aveda Institute
  16. University of Spa and Cosmetology Arts
  17. Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
  18. Universal Career School
  19. Paul Mitchell Schools
  20. Empire Beauty School
  21. Catherine Hinds Institute of Esthetics
  22. Ogle School
  23. Xenon Academy
  24. Hollywood Institute of Beauty Career
  25. Science of Esthetics
  26. Evergreen Beauty College
  27. Campbellsville University’s School of Cosmetology
  28. West Georgia Technical College
  29. Minnesota School of Cosmetology
  30. Laurel Technical Institute.

Where to get the Best Esthetician Programs Online

Here are the Top 10 schools that offer esthetics programs online:

1. Mirage Spa Education

Founded in 2008 by Cheryl Thibault in Victoria, British Columbia, Mirage Spa Education is the first 100% online esthetics school in Canada.

Mirage Spa Education started as a traditional esthetic school but after some years, Cheryl developed online courses for adults with busy schedules.

There are two esthetic diploma courses online, which are:

  • Esthetic & Spa Therapy 1200 hours and
  • Esthetic Course 800 hours.

The courses are delivered online through video training.

Mirage Spa Education is approved by the Private Training Institution Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills, and Training.

2. Aglaia Esthetics

Aglaia Esthetics is a provider of online esthetics education training, located in Vancouver, Canada.

The school provides blended online and practical residency training programs. This means you will be required to complete 3 to 12 days of hands-on practicals.

Online programs available at Aglaia Esthetics are:

  • Skincare Course Introduction (250 hours)
  • Skin Therapist Program (500 hours)
  • Esthetics Program (1000 hours)

The programs can be completed between 4 to 16 months at your own pace.

3. Honolulu Nail and Aesthetics Academy (HNA)

Started in 2004 as Honolulu Nail Academy, the first Nails only school in Hawaii. In 2019, The academy started an Esthetic program and changed its name to “Honolulu Nails and Aesthetics Academy”.

This online esthetician school’s mission is to educate students in every aspect of Esthetics and Nail technology, giving them both the theoretical and practical skills needed for a successful career in the beauty industry.

HNA provides a full online Basic Aesthetician License Course (600 hours).

Honolulu Nail and Aesthetics Academy is a state-approved beauty school.

4. Edith Serei Academy

Established in 1958 by Mrs. Edith Serei, Edith Serei Academy is a renowned institution of aesthetics. The Academy is located in Downtown Montreal, Canada.

Edith Serei Academy provides an online diploma esthetics program, which can be completed in 10 weeks. However, the program is not fully online, there will be in-class lectures.

Also, Edith Serei Academy offers a variety of online courses.

5. 3D Lash & Brow Salon Academy

This online esthetician school was founded by Amy Ledgister in 2018, with the mission to bring a modern approach to the traditional beauty school.

The Academy was created for working adults who wish to pursue careers in the beauty industry.

3D Lash & Brow Salon Academy provides an Advanced Esthetics Program (750 hours), that can be completed in 5 to 6 months.

The program is delivered in three different formats, you can either complete the program 100% online, In-person, or as a hybrid student.

But it’s advisable to attend on-campus lectures for more hands-on experience.

3D Lash & Brow is a TDLR Licensed Cosmetology School located in Dallas, Texas.

6. Estelle Skincare & Spa Institute

Established in 1998, Estelle Skincare & Spa Institute is the first esthetician school in Chicago.

Estelle Skincare & Spa Institute is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Science, Inc.

The Institute provides a Hybrid Online/In-person Esthetics Program at its location in Skokie and online.

This program can be completed within 6 months.

7. New Age Spa

New Age Spa, not to be confused with New Age Spa Institute, is an advanced esthetician care and training center in Montreal and Laval, Canada.

There are several highly rated online esthetics courses at New Age Spa.

You will either receive a certificate document or diploma after successfully completing esthetics courses.

The good thing about New Age Spa is that you can study its online course at your own pace without prerequisites.

New Age Spa offers online and in-class training in:

  • Skincare course
  • Basic esthetics course
  • Advanced esthetics course.

8. Concepts Institute of Advanced Esthetics

Concepts Institute of Advanced Esthetics is an advanced esthetics school located in Daly City, California.

The Institute was created to provide advanced esthetics hands-on training and lectures in medical and clinical esthetic topics.

Concepts Institute offers an online course in Para-medical Esthetics, for people who have already earned training in Esthetics or own a license.

9. NIMA Institute

The National Institute of Medical Aesthetics (NIMA) is a Medical Esthetician School, with campuses in South Jordan, Utah, and Las Vegas, Nevada.

NIMA Institute had several esthetics programs but a few are available online.

NIMA’s Master Aesthetics Licensure 1200 Hours program is a hybrid course and requires students to be on campus 3 days per week. The Hybrid course is only available on the Utah campus.

Also, NIMA Institute offers continuing education for licensed estheticians who wish to expand their knowledge of Esthetics.

10. New Age Spa Institute (NASI)

New Age Spa Institute is a CIDESCO-accredited beauty school in Chicago, Illinois, and claims to be the best of the beauty schools in Illinois.

NASI provides training to aspiring estheticians at an affordable rate of tuition.

New Age Spa Institute offers Continuing education online courses.

Frequently Asked Questions on online esthetician schools

Are there fully online esthetics programs?

Most online esthetician schools don’t offer fully online programs but they offer hybrid programs. You will take the theory classes online and practical sessions on campus.

Why can’t I study Esthetics fully online?

Estheticians are required to have hands-on training before they can be licensed. Hands-on training can not be achieved online which is why you will have to take some on-campus classes.

What are the Requirements needed to study Esthetics?

Most esthetician schools have the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a High School Diploma.

How long does it take to complete a full esthetic program online?

The duration of a full esthetics program online is between 4 months to 16 months. You must complete at least 600 hours of training.

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Conclusion on Best Esthetician Schools Online

With this article, you won’t find it difficult to start a career as an esthetician.

We have already provided you with the list of highly-rated esthetician schools online and online esthetics programs that would really benefit you.

So, what are you waiting for? You are good to start a career in the beauty industry.

All you have to do is complete an esthetician training provided by any of the best esthetician schools online and you’re on a roll.

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