Hey World Scholar! We have brought to you the best online courses for teens in this articulate article. This is to help you get top-notch online courses for any teenager.
It is safe to say that studying online is the easiest and cheapest way to gain knowledge.
With the rapid advancement in technology, people can now gain easy access to over 1000 courses online offered by top universities, learning institutions and professionals around the world. Studying online is an effective way to learn in this advanced era.
Discover the online courses that is best for you as a teenager in this well detailed article on the top 15 best online courses for Teenagers all over the world.
Table of Contents
Why enroll in these Best Online Courses for Teens?
Earning any of the best online courses for teens is very affordable.
The courses are taught by professionals, and lectures from leading Universities and learning institutions, which makes the certificate you receive after completing any course widely recognized.
You also earn a certificate after completing any of these courses by paying a token amount.
This certificate can be used to build your career. You can share your course certificates on your CV or resume, and even use it to build your LinkedIn profile.
Learning online is very easy and comfortable compared to physical classes.
All the best online courses for teens has a flexible schedule, which means you get to choose when you want your classes.
List of the Best Online Courses for Teens
Below is a list of the Best Online Courses for Teenagers:
- Learning How to Learn
- Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life
- Introduction to Calculus
- Standford Introduction to Food and Health
- Speak English Professionally
- The Science of Wellbeing
- Understanding Depression and Low mood in Young People
- Basic Spanish 1: Getting Started
- Coding for everyone
- Fashion as Design
- Bullying 101: Beyond common sense
- Injury Prevention for Children & Teens
- Seeing Through Photographs
- Learn to Speak Korean 1
- Game Theory.
15 Highly Rated Online Courses for Teenagers
#1. Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects
As a high school student, you might be facing difficulties learning some tough subjects.
This course is very useful and it will help you get good grades.
This online course offered by you easy access to learning techniques used by teaching experts in academic disciplines.
You get to learn important ideas and techniques that will enhance your ability to learn, strategies to handle procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects.
With this course, you start living a life filled with knowledge.
#2. Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life: Living for What Matters Most
The teen stage is for Self-Discovery. As a teen you should be concerned about finding purpose and meaning in life, and this course is all you need to do this.
This online course offered by University of Michigan on Coursera, is designed to help people especially teens learn how science, philosophy and practice all play a role in finding your purpose and living a purposeful life.
In this course, you will hear from individuals about their journeys to finding and living a purposeful life, and this course will walk you through different exercises that will help you find out what matters most to you, so you can live a purposeful life.
As an added benefit, you will gain access to the Purposeful App for a period of time.
The mobile/desktop app is designed to help you build a purposeful rhythm into each day, so you can bring your best self to what matters most.
#3. Introduction to Calculus
Teens often avoid calculus, because of how difficult learning the course can be.
The Introduction to Calculus course offered by University of Sydney on Cousera, address the most important foundations for application of mathematics.
The online course emphasizes the key ideas and historical motivation for Calculus, and at the same time strike a balance between theory and application, leading to mastering the concepts in foundational mathematics.
Generally, this best online course for teens will improve their performances in mathematics and any other calculation related courses.
You may like to know the useful math calculator websites for teachers and students.
#4. Standford Introduction to Food and Health
Teens are heavy junk eaters, they consume more of processed food than fresh food, which often leads to diet related diseases.
Diet related courses can be avoided by learning the effects food has on our Health.
The online course offered by Stanford University on Coursera, address public health crises, explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating.
In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat.
#5. Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On The Phone
This online course offered by language professors from Georgia Tech Language Institute on Coursera, will help teens improve their English speaking and communication skills.
This course teaches how to speak English professionally, have powerful phone conversation, best body languages for different settings and situations, English vocabulary, improve learners’ pronunciation and fluency in English.
Get the tips for learning Italian language.
#6. The Science of Wellbeing
As teens it is necessary to know about your wellbeing and activities that can help improve your wellbeing.
This personal development online course offered by Yale University on Coursera, will engage learners in a series of challenges designed to increase their own happiness and build more productive habits.
This course also teaches about the annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and research that can help us change.
You will also learn strategies and practices that can help you build healthier habits.
#7. Understanding Depression and Low mood in Young People
Over 2.3 million youth cope with severe major depression. Depression is a serious illness that can affect all aspects of a teen’s life.
This course offered by University of Reading via Future Learn, will help teens recognise low mood and depression, understand CBT – an evidence based treatment, discover practical techniques to help support young depressed people.
Parents can also enroll in this course, to help them learn how to recognise low mood and depression in their children.
#8. Basic Spanish 1: Getting Started
Learning Spanish, the second most spoken language on Earth after Mandarin Chinese, gains you the ability to communicate with over 500 million Spanish speakers.
This language learning course offered by Universitat Politecnica De Valencia on edX, is designed for Students who would like to study in any Spanish speaking country or like to learn how to communicate in Spanish.
The online course introduces everyday language and includes activities to practise all four language skills: reading comprehension, writing, listening and speaking.
You would learn Spanish Alphabets and numbers, how to start basic conversation in Spanish, and basic configuration.
Check out the Spanish universities that teach in english.
#9. Coding for everyone
How can we talk about best online course for Teens without mentioning Coding?.
We use softwares in our everyday activities, learning how to build these softwares can make you more productive.
Most of these softwares are written in C++ programming language.
With this Coding online course, you can build mobile apps, games, websites and other softwares with C++ programming language.
This course is available on Coursera.
#10. Fashion as Design
Do you love to learn how garments are made from scratch?. Then this online course is just for you.
The course 4 in a cousera specialization course: Modern and Contemporary Art and Design offered by The Museum of Modern Art, is highly recommended to teens.
This course focuses on a selection of more than 70 garments and accessories from around the world.
Through these garments, you are going to look closely at what we wear, why we wear it, how it’s made and what it means.
With this course, you will develop critical tools to appreciate your every day clothing to couture garments, learn about the history, development, and impact of garments overtime, and explore how they may be reinvented.
This course is taught by range of designers, dress makers, and other professionals working with clothes everyday.
#11. Bullying 101: Beyond common sense
Teens are regularly exposed to bullying, both physically and online, especially at learning environments. And this often mess up with their mental health.
This online course on iversity offered by University of Padova, provides Students with a critical knowledge concerning the phenomenon of youth bullying.
The course focuses on both traditional bullying that usually takes place on school premises and cyberbullying, which is common on social media.
This course will help learners easily recognize bullies, how bullying and cyberbullying can be prevented, the risk factors for bullying and it’s consequences for youths.
#12. Injury Prevention for Children & Teens
Injuries are the leading cause of death among children and teens.
Teens needs to learn preventive measures to avoid injuries via this online course.
This online course offered by University of Michigan on edX, lays a broad foundation for pediatric injury prevention and will increase your understanding of this major public health issues through powerful up-to-date lectures, interviews, and demonstrations from experts in injury prevention.
Parents can also enroll in this course, to help them learn strategies to guide their children from injuries.
#13. Seeing Through Photographs
Taking photographs is an addictive habit for most teens. Teens like to keep memories of events in their life with photographs.
Learn how to take photographs that tells stories with this course.
The course 4 of Coursera specialization: Modern and Contemporary Art and Design offered by The Modern Art Museum, aims to address the gap between seeing and truly understanding photographs by introduction of ideas, approaches, and technologies.
You will learn a variety of perspective on the ways photographs has been used throughout it’s 180-year history as a means of artistic expression, a tool of science and exploration, an instrument of documentation, and a way to tell stories and record histories, and a mode of communication and critique.
Find out about online schools that give refund checks and laptops.
#14. Learn to Speak Korean 1
This is another language learning course teens can enroll in. You can never go wrong with learning new languages because there are tons of benefits you gain from being multilingual.
This online course is for beginners who are familiar with Korean alphabet. Through this course, students will learn the essential skills for daily interactions with Korean.
This Coursera course consists of six modules, each modules is composed of five units. Each unit has vocabulary, grammar and expressions, conversation practice, video clips, quizzes, a workbook, and vocabulary lists.
You also learn about Korea culture and Food through this well designed online course from language professors of Yonsei University, oldest private university in Korea.
#15. Game Theory
Learn how to improve your thinking via Games, with this online course.
Game Theory is the mathematics modeling of strategic interaction among rational and irrational agents, beyond what we call ‘games’ in common language such as chess, pocker, soccer’s e.t.c.
This course offered by Stanford University on Coursera, will provide the basics: representing games and strategies, the extensive form, Bayesian games, repeated and stochastic games, and more
Varieties of explanation including classic games and a few application, will be included when teaching the course.
Where can I enroll in the Best Online Courses for Teenagers?
Top online courses for teens are available on E-learning apps like:
Visit these apps websites to enroll. There are also so many courses offered by top Universities, and leading learning institutions on the Apps that may interest you.
You can live a knowledge and purpose filled life as a teenager with these amazing online courses. Which of the best online courses for teens listed here will you like to enroll in?
Let’s meet in the comments section.
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