50 Funny Bible Trivia Questions

Funny Bible Trivia Questions
Funny Bible Trivia Questions

The Bible is a large book, but it is an important book because it is a guide for our lives given to us by God, as well as a lamp unto our feet. It is not always easy to read or comprehend, and the vast amount of information contained within its pages can be overwhelming at times! That’s why we’ve created these 50 Funny Bible trivia questions to provide an entertaining way of helping you discover more of the Bible and perhaps encouraging you to delve deeper into passages that pique your interest.

So put your knowledge to the test with these funny Bible trivia questions and answers. Gather your friends for a challenge, or just try them on your own. Remember, Proverbs 18:15 says, “A wise heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”

So we hope you have fun and learn something from our Bible quiz.

Let get started!

What are Bible Trivia Questions?

The Bible Trivia question is a fun and effective way to get Christians to memorize the Bible. Teams compete against one another by “jumping” off a pressure switch and then answering a question based on verses from the New or Old Testament. The program motivates Christians to memorize God’s Word through positive competition and peer encouragement, making it a truly unique learning tool.

Why it Works

Bible trivia is so popular because it combines fun, competition, teamwork, and fellowship with the sole goal of strengthening a person’s faith and directing him or her to seek a more intimate and real relationship with God.

Benefits of Bible trivia questions

Funny Bible Trivia Questions is an excellent way to engage believers in personal Bible study. They can use these to memorize long passages of Scripture, learn valuable lessons about Godly character and values, and form social friendships with other people who share their beliefs. Participants learn discipline, perseverance, and teamwork through regular study sessions.

Participating in a Bible trivia question and answer session teaches us life lessons such as perseverance, responsibility, faithfulness, teamwork, and a positive attitude, to name a few. To compete in quizzes, a quizzer must understand the material, be well-versed in quizzing techniques, and be able to work as part of a team.

Here’s a quick rundown of the benefits of partaking in Bible trivia questions:

  • It enables us to learn how to concentrate and develop good study habits.
  • The importance and fundamentals of teamwork is been cultivated through participation in bible trivia sessions.
  • The value of good sportsmanship and a positive attitude.
  • It enables us to develop character as a result of our reliance on God.
  • Trivia is an excellent way to develop leadership skills.
  • Also, helps young people prepare for dedicated service in God’s kingdom.

Also read:100 Bible Quiz For Kids And Youth With Answers.

50 Funny Bible Trivia Questions

Here are 50 funny bible trivia questions and answers:

#1. What did God say after He created Adam?
Answer: I can do better than that.” And so, He created woman.

#2. Who was the greatest female financier in the Bible?
Answer: Pharaoh’s daughter — she went down to the bank of the Nile and drew out a little profit.

#3. Who was the first drug addict in the Bible?
Answer: Nebuchadnezzar — he was on grass for seven years.

#4. What was David’s job before he became King?
Answer: He worked as a shepherd

#5. Which river did Jesus get baptized in?

Answer: The Jordan River

#6. Which country did Moses assist the Israelites in fleeing?

Answer: Egypt

#7. Which Biblical figure was willing to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice on an altar?

Answer: Abraham

#8. Give the name of the author of the Book of Revelation.

Answer: John.

#9:What gift did Salome request after dancing for Herod?

Answer: John the Baptist’s head.

#10: How many plagues did God send down on Egypt?

Answer: Ten.

#11. What was Simon Peter’s job before he became an apostle?

Answer: Fisherman.

#12: What did Adam say to Eve as he handed her a garment?

Answer: Collect it or leaf it

#13.  What is the total number of books in the New Testament?
Answer: 27.

#14. What did the soldiers put on Jesus’ head during his crucifixion?

Answer: A thorny crown.

#15. What were the names of the first two apostles who followed Jesus?

Answer: Peter and Andrew.

#16. Which of the apostles was sceptical of Jesus’ resurrection until he saw him for himself?

Answer: Thomas.

#17. Darius threw who into the lion’s den?

Answer: Daniel.

#18. After being thrown overboard, who was swallowed by a large fish?

Answer: Jonah.

#19. With five loaves and two fish, Jesus fed how many people?

Answer: 5,000.

#20. Who removed Jesus’ body from the cross after his crucifixion?

Answer: Joseph of Arimathea

#21: What did Jesus do for the next forty days following his resurrection?

Answer: He ascended to the heavens.

#22. How long did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?

Answer: For forty years.

#23. What was the name of the first Christian martyr?

Answer: Stephen.

#24. Which city’s walls collapsed after the priests blew their trumpets?

Answer: Jericho.

#25. What is kept in the Ark of the Covenant, according to the Book of Exodus?

Answer: The Ten Commandments

#26. Which of Jesus’ disciples betrayed him?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

#27. Which garden did Jesus pray in before he was arrested?

Answer: Gethsemane.

#28. What was the name of the angel who appeared to Mary and told her she would give birth to Jesus?

Answer: Gabriel.

#29. What was the first bird Noah released from the Ark?

Answer: A raven

#30. How did Judas identify Jesus to the soldiers when he betrayed him?

Answer: He kissed him.

#31. When did God create man, according to the Old Testament?

Answer: The sixth day.

#32. How many books are there in the Old Testament?

Answer: 39.

#33. Who was the first to see Jesus after his resurrection?

Answer: Mary Magdalene

#34. God created Eve from what part of Adam’s body?

Answer: His ribs

#35. What miracle did Jesus perform at the Cana wedding?

Answer: He transformed water into wine.

#36. Where was David the first time he saved Saul’s life?

Answer: He was in a cave.

#37. Where did David go the second time he saved Saul’s life?

Answer: Saul was sleeping at a campsite.

#38. What was the name of Israel’s last judge who died after Saul made a temporary truce with David?

Answer: Samuel.

#39. What prophet did Saul request to speak with?

Answer: Samuel

#40. What caused Saul’s death?

Answer: He collapsed on his sword.

#41. What became of Bathsheba’s child?
Answer: The child passed away.

#42: What name did Bathsheba and David give their second child?

Answer: Solomon.

#43. Who was David’s son who revolted against his father?

Answer: Absalom.

#44. Which capital city did David flee?

Answer: Jerusalem.

#45. What mountain did God give Moses the law on?

Answer: Mount Sinai

#46. Which of Jacob’s wives did he adore the most?

Answer: Rachel

47:What did Jesus have to say to the accusers of the adulteress?

Answer: Let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!

#48. What happens if we “draw near to God,” according to James?

Answer: God Himself will come to visit you.

#49. Pharaoh’s dream of good and bad ears of wheat represented what?

Answer: Seven years of abundance, followed by seven years of famine.

#50. Who received the Revelation of Jesus Christ?

Answer: His servant John.

Read also: 100 Bible Verses for the perfect Wedding.

Fun Bible Facts

#1. The Old Testament took over 1,000 years to write, while the New Testament took between 50 and 75 years.

#2. The original writings of the Bible do not exist.

#3. The Bible is central to three major world religions’ traditions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

#4. John Wycliffe produced the first English translation of the entire Bible from the Latin Vulgate. In retaliation for his translation work, the Catholic Church exhumed and burned his body.

#5. William Tyndale published the first printed edition of the English New Testament. For his efforts, he was later burned at the stake.

#6. Every year, over 100 million Bibles are sold.

#7. A publishing company published a Bible with the typo “Thou Shalt Commit Adultery” in 1631. Only nine of these Bibles, known as the “Sinners’ Bible,” are still in existence today.

#8. The term “bible” comes from the Greek ta Biblia, which translates as “the scrolls” or “the books.” The term is derived from the ancient city of Byblos, which served as the ancient world’s official supplier of paper products.

#9. The entire Bible has been translated into 532 different languages. It has been translated in part into 2,883 languages.

#10. The Bible is a collection of works by a wide range of authors, including shepherds, kings, farmers, priests, poets, scribes, and fishermen. Traitors, embezzlers, adulterers, murderers, and auditors are also authors.

Check out our article on 150+ Hard Bible Questions And Answers For Adults, or the 40 bible quiz questions and answers PDF to further enrich your knowledge of the bible.

Funny bible questions

#1.  When exactly did God create Adam?
Answer: a few days before Eve…”

#2. What did Adam and Eve do after being expelled from the Garden of Eden?

Answer: Cain was raised by them.

#3. Cain despised his brother for how long?

Answer: So long as he was capable.

#4. What was the Bible’s first math problem?

Answer: “Go forth and multiply!” God said to Adam and Eve.

#5. How many people boarded Noah’s ark before him?

Answer: Three! Because it says in the Bible, “And Noah went forth onto the Ark!”

#6. Who was the Bible’s greatest financial planner?

Answer: Pharaoh’s Daughter, because she went down to the Nile Bank and made a profit.


Bible Trivia could be enjoyable. Though they are intended to educate, they can put a smile on your face and make you feel happy, especially if you get to know your score as soon as you finish answering the questions and also if you have the option to retake the quiz after failing in previous attempts. I hope you enjoyed yourself.

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