High-Paying Jobs without Degree or Experience in 2023

High-Paying Jobs without Degree or Experience
High-Paying Jobs without Degree or Experience

Nowadays, there are lots of high-paying jobs without degree or experience. Gone are the days when people were denied jobs because they had neither a degree nor experience.

Then, people aimed to get the best degree because our society believed that without it you couldn’t work or get a job that pays well.

The narrative is no longer the same with a lot of changes and advancement happening around the world. Presently, someone that doesn’t even have a degree or experience can comfortably work and earn good money without much stress.

We can’t downplay the importance of education in opening vast doors of opportunities to individuals. Nevertheless, we are also aware that not everyone has the time, money, means or opportunity to earn a degree.

It is no secret that earning a degree these days can cost a lot and can also be difficult. As a result, people source for tuition-free education and college jobs around the globe.

If you don’t have the money to afford college study, all hope is not lost. Lucky for you, it is possible to land yourself a nice job that can fetch you a living even without presenting a degree or experience.

This informative article will be your stepping stone in your journey of getting that job that pays well without a degree or experience. World scholars hub has organized this text to inform you about high-paying jobs without degree or experience.

We understand how you feel right now. You have a lot of questions to ask, but you don’t have to worry. All you need to do is read through the article, and you’ll surely get to know a lot about high paying jobs that pay well without experience or a degree.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Highest Paying Jobs you can do without a Degree or Experience

1. Are there such jobs that will pay high without a degree or experience?

Of course, there are jobs that pay well without a degree or experience.

Some of these high-paying job opportunities will not only hire you without a degree or experience, they may also pay you high for doing these jobs. We’ve made a list of such jobs for you in this article, so you have to keep reading to see them.

Within this article, World Scholars Hub also made available some incredible subordinate topics that will be discussed.

2. What is Meant by High-Paying Jobs Without Degree or Experience?

This is not a big word, but we realize it might be confusing to you. Permit us to make it easier for you to understand.

High-Paying Jobs without a degree or experience are simply those jobs that don’t demand you to have or present a degree or experience before you can be employed. Most of these High paying jobs may also offer you training or internships on the job.

There are lots of such jobs, let’s talk about them one by one.

List of the Top 15 High-Paying Jobs Without  Degree or Experience

  1. Real Estate Agents
  2. Insurance sales agents
  3. Sheet metal worker
  4. Hearing aid specialist
  5. Ironworkers
  6. Plumbers
  7. Executive Assistant
  8. Electrician
  9. Railroad workers
  10. Sales Representative
  11. Police officers
  12. Elevator installer and Repairers
  13. Power Plant operator
  14. Security work
  15. Flight attendant.

1. Real Estate Agents

Estimated Salary: $51,220 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Real Estate Agents Jobs.

This is a high-paying job which doesn’t require you to have a degree or experience.

A Real estate agent is a person that assists people to sell their home or obtain a new home. This job does not require you to do much work and doesn’t need a degree or experience to get started with it.

2. Insurance Sales Agents

Estimated Salary: $52,892 yearly.

Glassdoor: Available Insurance Sales Agents Jobs.

An insurance agent is just there to sell policies to a customer and get paid for his job. This job needs you to be friendly and honest. You just meet with a customer, find the scope that meets their demands, and then be an answer to some of their questions. This is another high-paying job without a degree or experience, though you may go through some training.

3. Sheet Metal Worker

Estimated Salary: $51,370 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Sheet Metal Worker Jobs.

There are lots of construction works. It involves installing products made up of thin metal and fabricating the sheets. All are required to do is bend the sheets and fix them.

A degree isn’t important in this type of work field and it’s also among the high-paying jobs without degree or experience.

4. Hearing aid specialist

Estimated Salary: $52,630 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Hearing aid Specialist Jobs.

The next job for a job seeker is this one. A hearing aid specialist focus on helping people with hearing aids, their work is to assist people with ear problems to hear well again.

It will only demand you get some specialized knowledge, with no degree or experience you can get this type of job.

5. Ironworkers

Estimated Salary: $55,040 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Ironworkers Jobs.

If you’re the type that like manual works like that of bending steel.

Then, maybe you can go for an ironworker job, all is involved is to install steel and iron for companies that construct roads, structures, and bridges, though the work is hard the pay is quite a big one with no degree or experience needed.

6. Plumbers

Estimated Salary: $56,330 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Plumbing Jobs.

This involves fixing damaged pipes and protecting the piping systems. Both plumbers, steamfitters, and pipefitters are all working on the same thing. This is fieldwork and so might lead you to have some emergency services because of the nature of the work.

7. Executive Assistant

Estimated Salary: $63,110 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Executive Assistant Jobs.

An executive assistant is there to assist the manager to carry out some works in the office. That means your work may be to handle some documents, answer calls, make research, arrange meetings, and so on. It’s among the high-paying jobs that don’t need a degree or experience to get started.

8. Electrician

Estimated Salary: $59,240 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Electrician Jobs.

Being an electrician doesn’t need a degree or experience to land yourself a huge amount of money if you’re well-trained in that field.

You will install electrical appliances, trace electrical problems, get them fixed, and maintain the lights in houses or buildings, that’s all no education is requested.

9. Railroad workers

Estimated Salary: $64,210 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Railroad worker Jobs.

A railway station workers operate switches. They’re responsible for making sure safety measures are applied in trains and also maintain the time run of the train. It’s a nice job that doesn’t need a certificate or experience to get, yet it pays high.

10. Sales Representative

Estimated Salary: $52,000 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Sales Representative Jobs.

To succeed in this job you need to have selling skills because this job comes with making sales, and at times you will be paid based on the number of sales you make many of the sales jobs are run based on commission.

You already know that there’s a lot of cash In the sales role, so this is a high-paying job without a degree or experience to get.

11. Police officers

Estimated Salary: $67,325 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Police officer Jobs.

This is one of the higher-paying jobs that need no education or experience. They’re responsible to protect lives, fighting crimes, this job is specifically for someone that has the zeal to be a law enforcement officer not for everyone. All you need is fa ew training before you can be given a badge to be a full member.

12. Elevator Installer & Repairs

Estimated Salary: $88,540 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Elevator installer Jobs.

Are you the type of person that likes fixing things and is not afraid of height? then, this job will be good for you. It’s one of the jobs that pay high without a degree or experience.

All you should do is go get some training on how to install an elevator and then have a chance to grab this opportunity to install and repair the elevator.

13. Power plant operator

Estimated Salary: $89,090 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Power Plant Operator Jobs.

Is a great job to do, it pays well too without education or experience, though you have to go for some training to be ready for the work. Your work is to control some systems that produce and allocate electrical energy. You can also further your knowledge by studying engineering courses related to this field.

14. Security work

Estimated Salary: $42,000 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Security Jobs.

This is also one of the best jobs that pay high and don’t request for degree or experience. Your work is to look after the safety of the environment where you work and take some security measures.

15. Flight Attendants

Estimated Salary: $84,500 per year.

Glassdoor: Available Flight Attendant Jobs.

This great job is available in airlines companies. Your work is to attend to a customer’s requests and make sure everything is in order. It’s not a stressful job but still pays a higher amount of money, you can do perfectly well in this work without a degree or experience.

High-paying Jobs Without degree or experience in the UK

In UK, there are many job opportunities including high-paying jobs without degree or experience.

Check the list of the jobs that don’t need a degree or experience to get:

  • Truck Driver
  • Police Officer
  • Firefighters
  • Prison officers
  • Computer security Specialist
  • Digital Marketing
  • Estate Agents
  • Air Traffic Controllers
  • Household managers
  • Sales Managers.

High-paying jobs without degree or experience in Australia

Australia is one of the developed countries with lots of high-paying jobs without degree or experience. You should know that some of these high paying jobs require that you are skilled to some extent. You can gain skills through free online certifications. See the list of Australian jobs that pay well without a degree or experience:

  • Senior care worker
  • Electrician
  • Ethical Hacker
  • Construction Manager
  • Pilot
  • Maintenance manager
  • Real Estate Manager
  • Railway Driver
  • Elevator Installers
  • Computer game testers.

List of some of the High-paying jobs without a degree or experience for females

For females, there are definitely high-paying jobs that you can get without any experience or degree. The jobs listed below are some of the ones you can try out:

  • Sales Representative
  • Make-up Artist
  • Secretary
  • Childcare workers
  • Academic tutor
  • Digital Librarian
  • Medical Technician
  • Hairstylist
  • Kindergarten Teachers
  • Dental Care Assistant
  • Translator.

Some of the courses listed above might require some skill. To acquire these skills, you can take some online courses from the comfort of your home.

How to find some high-paying jobs without degree or experience near you

Below is a list that will guide you on how to find some of the highest paying jobs you can do without prior experience or degree. Check it out below:

  • Use search job platforms
  • Contact organization or companies directly
  • Use your social media
  • Visit the jobs company’s website
  • Ask your friends for referrals.

Following the above stated information on how to get a good paying job, you should be able to get yourself a sustainable job that will pay you well.


I hope this article helps you a lot by directing you on the right track to follow in other to land a high-paying job without a degree or experience.

Thankfully, nowadays you must not depend on getting a certificate or a degree before obtaining yourself a good job. You can also check the US bureau of labor statistics to check the Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics of some of these jobs.

Note: It’s a good move to learn and master a skill that will help upgrade your future career. It’s true that some jobs don’t require experience or a degree to get them but you need to understand that having a degree can be of great benefit in your future career.

Therefore, it’s superb if you go for an associate degree or certificate courses.

Having a degree will:

  • Promote your existing career
  • Boost your income
  • Prepare you with a good basis for future academic goals and
  • It will also unwrap numerous careers opportunities for you.