Is IELTS Online Coaching More Helpful for Preparation of Paper Based or Computer Based IELTS Exam?


Many IELTS candidates are torn between taking the computer-based IELTS exam and the paper-based IELTS exam.

If you’re having trouble deciding how IELTS online coaching will help you with computer-based or paper-based, read the following information to learn more about the differences and make an informed decision.

Paper-Based IELTS examination 

In the Paper-based IELTS test, the Writing, Reading, and Listening sections are to be answered on the examination paper itself.

However, the Speaking test is conducted face-to-face with a trained IELTS examiner. 

Computer-Based IELTS examination

In the Computer-based IELTS examination, the Reading, Listening, and Writing sections are conducted on a computer. In comparison, the Speaking section is held in the face-to-face method with IELTS examiners.

Comparison between the Paper Based and Computer Based IELTS examination

There is a misconception that the IELTS computer-based test is easier than the IELTS paper-based test. Both the IELTS on the computer and the IELTS on paper tests have the same content, format, question types, and time allotted to each section.

The basic difference that candidates will experience is the medium of conducting the test. Thus the degree of difficulty is also similar.

So, let us check some additional differences between these two modes to get a better understanding of how IELTS online coaching can affect them. 

FEATURES Paper Based IELTS exam Computer Based IELTS exam
Test Booking Candidates can register for their test by clicking the computer-based test registration button. Candidates should look for the icon which says paper-based test registration.
Results Your test results will be accessible 13 days after you take it. The results of your exam will be accessible 3 to 5 days after you take it.
Location Paper-based IELTS takes place with approximately 100-150 students. Computer-based IELTS is conducted in a small room with one candidate per computer.
You must be physically present at the registration location assigned to you for both the IELTS paper-based and IELTS computer-based tests.
Test Format In the paper-based IELTS test, Reading & writing are given through pen and paper. Therefore, you need to write your answers within the time limit on the answer sheet. In the computer-delivered IELTS test you have to use the computer desktop to answer the given questions. You must input your answers into the provided boxes on your computer screen.
Assessment The examiner collects the answer sheets in person for the paper-based IELTS test, which is subsequently submitted to the grading facility. The answers are saved on the computer in the computer-based IELTS test and directly uploaded to the server.


Is IELTS online training helpful in preparation for computer-based IELTS or paper-based?

IELTS online instruction is efficient regardless of the exam type you are preparing for. Different students have different learning styles, which might be due to their past knowledge of specific concepts and ideas. Some people prefer to learn rapidly, while others prefer to explore each concept more deeply and intensively.

Online coaching institutions provide several advantages, regardless of whether students are planning to take the IELTS exam on paper or a computer.

Students get to attend sessions from professional and trained IELTS trainers at their own pace with online coaching. In addition, the lessons in online coaching are recorded lectures with supplementary exam IELTS preparation tips for future reference, so you can view the same class at any moment if you miss one.

Virtual classes offer a thorough practice guide as well as a variety of customizable courses with essential mock exams and study resources. Additionally, online training helps students get acquainted with online ways of learning and conducting practice tests, which eventually aids students in managing their time during the actual IELTS exam. 

Additional Information on IELTS Paper Based and Computer Based exam:

Is the Listening section shorter in computer-based IELTS tests?

You have to write your answers on the answer sheet in the paper-based IELTS test while listening to the recording. So, in the paper test, you get 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

On the contrary, you have to type your answers into the right spots on the screen in the computer test. It would be best if you input your answers into the computer, and you only have two minutes to double-check your answers at the end of the exam.

Is the grading criterion for both tests the same?

Yes, it’s the same thing. It’s the same exam, with the same results. The only difference is that you enter your responses on a computer screen or paper. 


Despite the fact that there is no difference in exam value between computer-based and paper-based IELTS, students should choose the one that best suits them.

The computer-based format is suitable for your needs if you have decent computer abilities, enjoy typing, and value greater privacy, better focus, easier editing, word counts, and other features. IELTS online training is effective and beneficial for both computer-based and paper-based IELTS tests.