100 Bible Quiz For Kids And Youth With Answers

Bible Quiz For Kids And Youth With Answers
Bible Quiz For Kids And Youth With Answers

You might claim to be well-versed with the understanding of the Bible. Now it’s time to put those assumptions to the test by taking part in our fascinating 100 Bible quiz for kids and youth.

Beyond its core message, the Bible contains a wealth of valuable knowledge. The Bible does not only inspires us but also teaches us about life and God. It may not answer all of our questions, but it does address the majority of them. It teaches us how to live with meaning and compassion. How to interact with others. It encourages us to rely on God for strength and guidance, as well as to enjoy his love for us.

In this article, are 100 Bible quiz for kids and youth with answers that will help enhance your understanding of the scripture.

Why Bible quiz for kids and youth

Why Bible quiz for kids and youth? It may appear to be a silly question, especially if you answer it frequently, but it is worth considering. If we don’t come to God’s Word for the right reasons, bible questions may become a dry or optional habit.

You will not be able to progress in your Christian walk unless you can answer bible questions effectively. Everything you need to know in life can be found in God’s Word. It provides us with encouragement and direction as we walk the path of faith.

Also, the bible teaches us about the gospel of Jesus Christ, God’s attributes, God’s commandments, answers to questions that science cannot answer, the meaning of life, and much more. We must all learn more about God through His Word.

Make it a point to practice bible quiz with answers on daily basis and protect yourself from false teachers who may want to lead you astray.

Related Article Bible Questions And Answers For Adults.

50 Bible quiz for kids

Some of these are easy bible questions for kids and a few difficult questions from both the Old and New Testaments to test your knowledge.

Bible quiz for kids:

#1. What is the first statement in the Bible?

Answer: In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth.

#2. How many fish did Jesus need to feed the 5000 people?

Answer: Two fish.

#3. where was Jesus born?

Answer: Bethlehem.

#4. What is the total number of books in the New Testament?

Answer: 27.

#5. Who assassinated John the Baptist?

Answer: Herod Antipas.

#6. What was the name of the King of Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth?

Answer: Herod.

#7. What is the colloquial name for the first four books of the New Testament?

Answer: The gospels.

#8. What city was Jesus crucified in?

Answer: Jerusalem.

#9. Who wrote the most New Testament books?

Answer: Paul.

#10. What was the number of apostles that Jesus had?

Answer: 12.

#11. What was Samuel’s mother’s name?

Answer: Hannah.

#12. What did Jesus’ father do for a living?

Answer: He worked as a carpenter.

#13. What day did God make plants?

Answer: Third day.

#14: What is the total number of commandments that were given to Moses?

Answer: Ten.

#15. What is the name of the first book in the Bible?

Answer: Genesis.

#16. Who were the first men and women to walk the earth’s surface?

Answer: Adam and Eve.

#17. What occurred on the seventh day of creation?

Answer: God rested.

#18. Where did Adam and Eve live at first?

Answer: The Garden of Eden.

#19. Who constructed the ark?

Answer: Noah.

#20. Who was the father of John the Baptist?

Answer: Zechariah.

#21. What is the name of Jesus’ mother?

Answer: Mary.

#22. Who was the person that Jesus raised from the dead at Bethany?

Answer: Lazarus.

#23. How many baskets of food remained after Jesus fed the 5000 people?

Answer: There were 12 baskets left over.

#24. What is the Bible’s shortest verse?

Answer: Jesus wept.

#25. Before preaching the gospel, who worked as a tax collector?

Answer: Matthew.

#26. What happened on the first day of creation?

Answer: Light was created.

#27. Who fought the mighty Goliath?

Answer: David.

#28. Which of Adam’s sons killed his brother?

Answer: Cain.

#29. According to the scripture, who was sent into the Lion’s Den?

Answer: Daniel.

#30. Jesus fasted for how many days and nights?

Answer: 40-day and 40-night.

#31. What was the name of the Wise King?

Answer: Solomon.

#32. What was the disease that Jesus healed the ten men that were sick?

Answer: Leprosy.

#33. Who was the author of the book of Revelation?

Answer: John.

#34. Who approached Jesus in the middle of the night?

Answer: Nicodemus.

#35. How many wise and foolish girls appeared in Jesus’ story?

Answer: 5 wise and 5 foolish.

#36. Who received the ten commandments?

Answer: Moses.

#37. What exactly is the fifth commandment?

Answer: Honor thy father and thy mother.

#38. What does God see instead of your outward appearance?

Answer: Heart.

#39. Who was given the multicoloured coat?

Answer: Joseph.

#34. What was the name of God’s Son?

Answer: Jesus.

#35. Moses was born in which country?

Answer: Egypt.

#36. Who was the judge who used torches and horns to defeat the Midianites with only 300 men?

Answer: Gideon.

#37. Samson killed 1,000 Philistines with what?

Answer: The jawbone of a donkey.

#38. What caused Samson’s death?

Answer: He pulled down the pillars.

#39. Pushing over the temple pillars, he killed himself and a large number of Philistines, who was that.

Answer: Sampson.

#40. Who appointed Saul to the throne?

Answer: Samuel.

#41. What became of the idol that stood beside the Ark in the enemy’s temple?

Answer: Prostrate in front of the Ark.

#42. What were the names of Noah’s three sons?

Answer: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

#43. How many people did the ark save?

Answer: 8.

#44. Whom did God summon from Ur to move to Canaan?

Answer: Abram.

#45. What was Abram’s wife’s name?

Answer: Sarai.

#46. What did God promise Abram and Sarah even though they were too old?

Answer: God promised them a child.

#47. What did God promise Abram when he showed him the stars in the sky?

Answer: That Abram would have more descendants than there are stars in the sky.

#48: Who was Abram’s first son?

Answer: Ishmael.

#49. What did Abram’s name become?

Answer: Abraham.

#50. Sarai’s name was changed to what?

Answer: Sarah.

50 Bible quiz for youth

Here are some of the easiest bible questions for youth with a few difficult questions from both the Old and New Testaments to test your knowledge.

Bible quiz for Youth:

#51. What was Abraham’s second son’s name?

Answer: Issac.

#52. Where was David the first time he saved Saul’s life?

Answer:  cave.

#53. What was the name of Israel’s last judge who died after Saul made a temporary truce with David?

Answer: Samuel.

#54. What prophet did Saul request to speak with?

Answer: Samuel.

#55. Who was David’s army captain?

Answer: Joab.

#56. What woman did David see and commit adultery with while in Jerusalem?

Answer: Bathsheba.

#57. What was Bathsheba’s husband’s name?

Answer: Uriah.

#58. What did David do to Uriah when Bathsheba became pregnant?

Answer: Have him killed on the war front.

#59. What prophet appeared to chastise David?

Answer: Nathan.

#60. What became of Bathsheba’s child?

Answer: The child died.

#61. Who assassinated Absalom?

Answer: Joab.

#62. What was Joab’s punishment for murdering Absalom?

Answer: He was demoted from captain to lieutenant.

#63. What was David’s second biblically recorded sin?

Answer: He conducted a census.

#64. Which books of the Bible contain information about David’s reign?

Answer:1st and 2nd Samuels.

#65. What name did Bathsheba and David give their second child?

Answer: Solomon.

#66: Who was David’s son who revolted against his father?

Answer: Absalom.

#67: Who did Abraham entrust with the task of finding Isaac a wife?

Answer: His most senior servant.

#68. What were the names of Isaac’s sons?

Answer: Esau and Jacob.

#69. Who did Isaac prefer between his two sons?

Answer: Esau.

#70. Who suggested that Jacob steal Esau’s birthright while Isaac was dying and blind?

Answer: Rebekah.

#71. What was Esau’s reaction when his birthright was taken away?

Answer: Jacob was threatened with death.

#72. Who was it that Laban duped Jacob into marrying?

Answer: Leah.

#73. What did Laban force Jacob to do for him to finally marry Rachel?

Answer: Work for another seven years.

#74. Who was Jacob’s first child with Rachel?

Answer: Joseph.

#75. What name did God give Jacob before he met with Esau?

Answer: Israel.

#76. After killing an Egyptian, what did Moses do?

Answer: He ran into the desert.

#77. When Moses confronted Pharaoh, what did his staff become when he threw it to the ground?

Answer: A serpent.

#78. Moses’ mother saved him from the Egyptian soldiers in what way?

Answer: Put him in a basket and throw him into the river.

#79: What did God send to provide food for the Israelites in the desert?

Answer: Manna.

#80: What did the spies sent into Canaan see that frightened them?

Answer: They saw giants.

#81. After many years, who were the only two Israelites permitted to enter the Promised Land?

Answer: Caleb and Joshua.

#82. What city’s walls did God bring down so Joshua and the Israelites could conquer it?

Answer: The wall of Jericho.

#83. Who ruled Israel after they took over the Promised Land and Joshua died?

Answer: Judges.

#84: What was the name of the woman judge who led Israel to victory?

Answer: Deborah.

#85. Where can you find the Lord’s Prayer in the Bible?

Answer: Matthew 6.

#86. Who was the one who taught the Lord’s Prayer?

Answer: Jesus.

#87. After Jesus’ death, which disciple looked after Mary?

Answer: John the evangelist.

#88. What was the name of the man who asked for Jesus’ body to be buried?

Answer: Joseph of Arimathea.

#89. What is it “better to obtain wisdom” than?

Answer: Gold.

#90. What did Jesus promise the twelve apostles in exchange for giving up everything and following him?

Answer: He promised then that they will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

#91. What was the name of the woman who protected the spies in Jericho?

Answer:  Rahab.

#92. What became of the kingdom after Solomon’s reign?

Answer: The kingdom was split into two.

#93: What book of the Bible contains “Nebuchadnezzar’s image”?

Answer: Daniel.

#94. Which angel explained the significance of Daniel’s vision of the ram and the goat?

Answer: Angel Gabriel.

#95. According to the scripture, what should we “look for first”?

Answer: The God’s Kingdom.

#96. What exactly was a man not permitted to eat in the Garden of Eden?

Answer: the Forbidden Fruit.

#97. Which tribe of Israel did not receive a land inheritance?

Answer: The Levites.

#98. When the northern kingdom of Israel fell to Assyria, who was king of the southern kingdom?

Answer: Hezekiah.

#99. What was Abraham’s nephew’s name?

Answer: Lot.

#100. Which missionary was said to have grown up knowing the holy scriptures?

Answer: Timothy.

See also: Top 15 Most Accurate Translations of the Bible.


The Bible is central to the Christian faith. The Bible claims to be the Word of God, and the Church has recognized it as such. The Church has acknowledged this status throughout the ages by referring to the Bible as its canon, which means that the Bible is the written standard for its faith and practice.

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