7 Free Programming Languages to Teach Kids How to Code


There are courses, apps, and games out there to help teach your kids how to code.

If you are a bit of a programmer yourself and you want your kids to enjoy the same things you do, then give some of these games, apps, and courses a try.

7 Free Programming Languages to Teach Kids How to Code

1 – CodeMonkey Courses

If you are looking for free coding classes for kids, then the CodeMonkey website offers you everything from coding games and lessons, to which apps to try and which challenges you should take on. The site is good for children who have a parent or teacher to help guide them through the lessons and websites. 

2 – Wibit.Net

This website has a wide range of coding language choices to choose from. They have created characters for each coding language they teach. Take their free courses, and both children and adults can learn how to start coding using real coding languages.

3 – Scratch

This is its own programming language that was built for kids between the ages of eight and sixteen. It offers a block-based programming language.

The idea is that your kid learns this language, and then is more easily able to move on to a different language over time. A little like teaching somebody Japanese slang words so that they can more easily learn Chinese.

4 – Python

Figuring out if you should teach your kids Python is tricky. If your child only ever learns one type of language, do you want it to be still one?

Still, it is better than teaching them something they may never use. Python is seen mostly in AI Machine-learning settings but can be used in other areas if needed. It is favored by beginners because the code uses real words, which makes it very readable.

5 – Blocky

This is a tricky one because it appeals to people who are more visual learners. It puts code in boxes that are like jigsaw boxes. This means that a person can see if the coding fits by if it fits in a box. It is a fairly simple and visual way to learn the basic concepts of coding.

As a result, it may be suitable for teens who have so far been resistant to the more mathematical side of programming. 

6 – Swift Playgrounds

Give your kids a taste of this to see if they take to it.

At the very least, it is going to introduce your kids to the idea of programming, and it throws some serious programming language at them.

As a starter language in the world of Apple iOS development, it offers a way for children to learn programming through a visual understanding of how the code is laid out. 

7 – Java

If you are teaching a kid a programming language, then you don’t have to talk down to them or give them something too easy.

Jump into Java and have them learn it using CodeMonkey or Wibit.net (mentioned above). There is a chance that your kids will want to build apps at some point, and at least Java lets them do that.

Plus, what they learn about Java will help them in later life if they ever become full-time coders or if they take up programming as a hobby.