Top 15 Most Useful Languages To Learn


With diverse cultures and languages in today’s increasingly interconnected and interdependent world, proficiency in other languages is a vital skill that allows you to engage with the world in a more immediate and meaningful way. This article will cover the top 15 most useful languages to learn.

It’s important to understand at most 3 different languages besides English. Language is a way of interacting with people. It is also an essential aspect of communication. People learn different languages either for business purposes or just for fun.

Bilingualism causes the brain to grow grey matter, improving memory, decision-making, and self-control. Beyond the physical benefits, bilingual travelers immerse themselves easier in countries where they speak the language.

All languages are helpful, but the ones you might study to impress foreign business partners will be different from the ones you’ll need merely for fun. Deciding on which language to learn and how fast and easy it would be to learn becomes one of the basic challenges encountered by most individuals. We realize that and are here to provide you with a list of the most useful languages to learn.

Benefits Of Learning A New Language

Employees are frequently expected to travel for work, foster these contacts, or be relocated abroad as more businesses engage in international trade and forge relationships with other nations.

There are some basic benefits of learning a new language and listed below are some of these benefits:

  • Builds your connection
  • Advance your career
  • Boost your confidence
  • Improves your perception
  • Enhances your ability to multitask

Builds Your Connection

Our capacity for interpersonal connection is among the most fulfilling features of the human experience. Bilingual people have the rare chance to interact with a greater variety of people in both their personal and professional lives. Communities will influence you. The generosity of strangers will humble you. You’ll form relationships that last a lifetime. You will benefit from studying languages just for these reasons.

Advance Your Career

Your ability to communicate in another language sets you distinct from your monolingual competitors in your career. Fully immersing yourself in a language learning environment means not only learning the basics of that language. It means learning how to communicate in another language with your peers or participating in extracurricular activities in that specific language.

Boost Your Confidence

Moving outside of your comfort zone is necessary for language learning. The benefit is the incredible sense of success you’ll get when speaking to someone in their language.

Improves Your Perception

We naturally make parallels to what we are most accustomed to as we learn a new language and culture. The positive and negative aspects of our own culture become more apparent as a result of learning about another culture.

For the majority of nations, lack of integration is a serious issue. This is frequently caused by the language barrier. People who live outside of their native nations wind up being lonely and only socializing with others in other areas where their language is spoken.

Enhances your ability to multitask

Multilingual people can switch between languages. Their ability to think in different languages and be able to communicate in more than one language helps with multitasking.

Top Most Useful Languages To Learn

The fact is, learning new skills every day enhances all aspects of your life. By learning new skills, you can increase your career opportunities, find out more about the world around you, and be a better person overall.

Here’s a list of the top 15 most useful languages to learn:

Top 15 Most Useful Languages To Learn

#1. Spanish

  • Native speakers: 500 million speakers

Spanish is the second most popular language in the United States. Spanish speakers are more numerous in America than in Spain. Spanish has a large number of native speakers, and a large number of overall speakers as well.

Given that Hispanics are expected to double in number by 2050 and have the second-largest economy in the world, Spanish is a crucial language. Most Spanish speakers are located in South and Central America, which are well-known places for travelers and tourists.

Hence, you will find a large number of Spanish speakers around the globe. It is also known as the language of romance and the official language of 20 countries. They have the largest population of native speakers in Mexico.

#2. German

  • Native speakers: 515 million speakers

Germany continues to have Europe’s most dominant economy, making German the most widely spoken native language in the European Union. German is one of the most crucial languages to learn if you conduct business in Europe or intend to do so.

It’s a strange language to learn because words have endings added to them to give them certain meanings. However, it is easy to learn. The German language is one of the most commonly used scientific languages and is also widely used on websites.

#3. French

  • Native speakers: 321 million speakers

The official language of discretion for centuries was French, commonly known as the language of love. Although with the development of the United States as a worldwide power, English has dominated this language of discretion.

A French-speaking person or nation is called a Francophone. French should undoubtedly be learned because it is still a major economic power and a well-liked tourist destination.

It is the official language of 29 countries and also one of the six official languages used in the United States.

#4. Chinese

  • Native speakers: 918 million speakers

One of the most spoken languages in the world is Chinese. And it has a great number of speakers. Even though there are many different dialects of Chinese, they still share a common writing system, thus mastering one will still enable you to converse with speakers of other dialects through written language.

Chinese is sometimes regarded as one of the hardest languages to learn, so picking a great program with lots of practice opportunities is crucial. Learning Chinese is worthwhile due to the growing use of the language in the corporate world.

#5. Arabic

  • Native speakers: 310 million speakers

When nomadic tribes first began using Arabic, it was a language of communication. Presently, 22 nations, including Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates, speak it as their official tongue as part of the Arab League.

Learning Arabic is beneficial due to these well-known tourist attractions. Not only that, but it also serves as the language of the entire Muslim civilization and all of its written works. Muslim populations total around 1.8 billion worldwide.

#6. Russian

  • Native speakers: 154 million speakers

Russian is an extremely influential language among many Eastern European countries. The Russian language also has the second highest percentage of internet content (following English), and the leading percent of internet content in Europe.

This makes the Russian language one of the most important languages to learn for European business.

#7. Portuguese

  • Native speakers: 222 million speakers

As the official language of nations in South America, Asia, Africa, and Europe, Portuguese is widely spoken around the world. The demand for Portuguese speakers is rising as both international businesses and tourism increase in the nation.

Despite differences in grammar and vocabulary, Portuguese is relatable to Spanish.

#8. Italian

  • Native speakers: 64 million speakers

Being a country of interest to most travelers, it is important to learn and understand the language. Although it has less number of speakers, it’s still an important language. It is rooted in arts, culture, and heritage. Most world heritage sites are in Italy and most historical texts are written in Italian.

#9. Japanese

  • Native speakers: 125 million speakers

Even though it is not commonly used outside of Japan, understanding the Japanese language is nonetheless crucial. Knowing Japanese can help you in many ways, whether you wish to travel to Japan, enjoy the food and culture, or are interested in the country’s technology.

It’s also a great way to learn other Asian languages. Learning Japanese sets you on the path to learning all three languages because it shares Korean grammar and some Chinese characters.

#10. Korean

  • Native speakers: 79 million speakers

Learning the Korean language is fascinating because the letters are phonetic, meaning that they are shaped like the sounds you make with your mouth. The language is simple to learn because of its distinctive writing system.

#11. Hindi

  • Native speakers: 260 million speakers

Hindi is without a doubt one of the most crucial languages to learn because it has some of the greatest speaker populations worldwide. Given that Hindi is the language that is most widely spoken in India, which makes up a significant portion of the global economy today, Hindi is the best language to study.

#12. Bengali

  • Native speakers:  210 million speakers

The Bay of Bengal is home to some of the most exquisite species in the world, making it a popular tourist destination. Although Bangladesh hasn’t yet become a popular destination, its tourism sector is expanding. Hence, the need to learn the language.

#13. Indonesia

  • Native speakers: 198 million speakers

Indonesian is one of the best languages to learn. English speakers can pick up quickly because it’s a phonetic language and has a very similar word order to English. Indonesian is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and has an emerging high-growth market.

#14. Swahili

  • Native speakers: 16 million speakers

Swahili is the first language spoken by people in communities in East and Central developed including Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda. Highly influenced by English, Hindi, and Persian, the Swahili language is a mixture of Bantu and Arabic. This is considered one of the best and essential languages to learn if you have plans of investing and develop your business in Africa.

#15. Dutch

  • Native Speakers: 25 million speakers

Also known as one of the best languages for English speakers is the Dutch language. The Netherlands has one of the most open economies in the world and is a significant center for trade and transit. By learning Dutch, you may better engage with Dutch culture and interact with Dutch business contacts.

Sites To Learn A New Language

After making the choice of learning a new language to improve the quality of your life, the next step is to take action. And for this, you need tons of resources to learn whatever language you eventually decided upon.

Fortunately, there are tons of resources available to take your linguistic skills to their peak. What’s more interesting is the fact that the majority of these resources are either free or really cheap.

Among the online resources available to learn a new language are the following:

FAQs on The Most Useful Languages to Learn

What's the most useful language for business purposes?

Modern businesses are international, with lots importing and exporting of products, having colleagues spread out across the globe, and looking for clients in all corners of the world. This means that speaking only our mother tongue is not enough. Most useful languages are Spanish, Arabic, German, and English.

What's the most used language globally?

It might interest you to know that besides English, one of the most used languages globally is the French language. French colonizers spread out all over the world, and as a result, there are both native and non-native speakers on every continent.

What is the most used language on Internet?

Russian. A little less than half of all web content is written in Russian! Plenty is written in English as well, but if you are all about the internet life, you may want to learn some Russian.

What's the most highly demanded language?

One language besides English that is highly demanded is Portuguese. This is due to the rapidly growing economy of Brazil. The native language of Brazil is Portuguese, an effect of colonizers in the area from Portugal.



Language is a means of communication among individuals. learning and understanding other languages are important as this helps to improve cognitive abilities, and enhance global interrelations amongst business partners.

Foreign languages expand one’s view of the world and make one more confident, tolerant, and flexible. Learning other languages makes traveling more easier and interesting. One interesting importance of learning another language is that it helps raise awareness of cultural differences.