Study Medicine in English in Germany for free + Scholarships

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Study Medicine in English in Germany for free

“Study medicine in English in Germany for free” has been one of the most searched phrases on the internet for decades, which is not surprising given that Germany also tops the chart as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies with quality and effective health care systems.

Aside from its quality health system, Germany is regarded as one of the most desirable and safest places for international students to study. This is evident in the influx of foreign students into the country every year.

Between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, significant investments were made in the German tertiary education sector to provide excellent and cutting-edge educational facilities in order to raise it to a world-class level.

Are you an aspiring medical student who is unsure of where to pursue your studies (undergraduate or postgraduate)? Germany is, without a doubt, the best option for you.

This article will give you all the information you need about scholarships to study Medicine in Germany as a potential tertiary education destination.

Why Study Medicine in Germany?

If you are considering studying medicine in English in Germany for free, here are five reasons you should:

  • High-quality learning
  • Cost
  • Variety of Study Programs
  • Experience a unique culture
  • Respected by employers.

High-quality learning

Germany has a long history of providing world-class education, and its medical universities consistently rank high in international university league tables, attracting some of the world’s top academics.

German universities are well-known around the world for helping students develop critical and creative thinking skills, as well as providing them with skills and experiences that will help them succeed in their chosen careers.

Furthermore, even at the undergraduate level, German universities offer specialized degrees. This is ideal if you don’t want to wait until you’re a postgraduate student to specialize in a field of study.

How much does it cost to study medicine in Germany?

Since the German government abolished international fees, most university degrees in Germany are now free. However, medical degrees continue to be expensive.

In Germany, the cost of a medical degree is determined by two factors: your nationality and whether you attend a private or public university.

If you are an EU student, you will only have to pay the administration fee of €300. Non-EU students, on the other hand, will be required to pay a fee for their medical education in Germany.

Nonetheless, international fees for medical study in Germany are low when compared to other study destinations such as the United States. Tuition fees typically range from €1,500 to €3,500 per academic year.

Variety of Study Programs

Universities in Germany are aware that not all of the thousands of international students who study medicine in Germany each year share the same academic interests.

Medical schools in Germany provide a diverse range of medical degrees to help current and prospective students find a suitable study program.

Experience a unique culture

Germany is a multicultural country with significant cultural influence. No matter where you are from, you will feel at home in Germany.

The country has an exciting history, and the scenery is stunning.

There is always something to do in the nightlife. There will always be something to do in Germany, no matter where you study.

When you’re not studying, you can go to pubs, sports venues, markets, concerts, and art galleries, to name a few places.

Respected by employers

Your medical degree will be recognized and respected all over the world if you study in Germany. A degree from a German university will give you a strong foundation for the real world and will help you land your dream job.

Medical studies in Germany will make your CV stand out to potential employers.

How to Apply to Study Medicine in English in Germany for Free 

The following documents are required for candidates applying for a medical degree in Germany:

  • Recognized Academic Qualifications
  • German Language Proficiency
  • Scores from examination tests.

Recognized Academic Qualifications

If you are an international student, your previous academic qualifications must be recognized in order for them to correspond to academic standards used by German medical schools.

To find out if your qualification meets the requirements, contact your university, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), or the Standing Conference of Ministers.

German or English Language Proficiency

In Germany, the vast majority of medical degrees are taught in German and English.

As a result, if you want to enroll in a medical school, you must demonstrate a moderate to a high level of proficiency in German and English language.

Although it varies depending on the university, the majority of them require a C1 certificate.

Scores from examination tests 

To gain admission to some medical schools in Germany, you must take a specific examination test designed to assess your aptitude for the study program you applied to.

How To Study Medicine In Germany For Free

Here are the two easiest ways that medical students can study in Germany for free:

  • Look for local funding options
  • Apply to medical schools that offer merit scholarships
  • Enroll in tuition-free Medical Schools

Look for local funding options

There are several options for obtaining educational funding. If you know the name of an organization and it has a website, you can go to the website to learn more about the organization’s funding opportunities and application guidelines.

If you do not have a specific organization in mind, one or more of the following resources can assist you in generating a list of potential leads: 20 Fully-funded Undergraduate Scholarships to Aid Students and 20 Fully-Funded Masters Scholarships to Aid Students.

Apply to medical schools that offer merit scholarships

Medical school applicants with outstanding test scores, grades, and extracurricular activities may be able to pay for their entire medical school education through institutional funding.

So, if you expect such funding, you should check with your school’s financial aid office for funding opportunities.

Enroll in tuition-free Medical Schools

If you’re tired and almost discouraged by the high cost of studying medicine in Germany, you should look into free tuition-free medical schools with no tuition in Germany.

Some of the free medical universities in Germany are:

  • Rwth aachen university
  • University of Lübeck
  • Witten/Herdecke University
  • University of Münster

Top Scholarships to Study Medicine in Germany

Here are the best scholarships in Germany that will enable you to study medicine in English in Germany for free:

#1. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Scholarship

The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation Scholarship is a fully-funded scholarship program for students in Germany. This scholarship is available for undergraduate and postgraduate studies. It covers a monthly basic stipend of up to EUR 850, as well as health insurance costs and, where applicable, family and baby allowances.

This scholarship is given to up to 40 outstanding students and includes a comprehensive seminar program to help candidates improve their social and academic skills. Students from any subject area are eligible to apply if they have exceptional academic or academic merit, wish to study in Germany, and are committed to the principles of social democracy.

Apply Here.

#2. IMPRS-MCB Ph.D. Scholarships

The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Biology (IMPRS-MCB) provides scholarships to students pursuing medical courses in Germany.

The research conducted at IMPRS-MCB focuses on diverse questions in the fields of Immunobiology, Epigenetics, Cell Biology, Metabolism, Biochemistry, Proteomics, Bioinformatics, and Functional Genomics.

In 2006, scientists from the University of Freiburg and the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics collaborated to establish the International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Biology (IMPRS-MCB).

The program’s official language is English, and knowledge of German is not required to apply to IMPRS-MCB.

Apply Here.

#3. University of Hamburg: Merit scholarship

The University of Hamburg awards this scholarship to outstanding international students from all disciplines, including medicine.

This scholarship is available in two intakes. To be eligible for the scholarship, students must be enrolled at the University of Hamburg. They should not be granted German citizenship or be eligible for federal student loans.

The following documents are required:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Letter of Motivation
  • Proof of social activities
  • Academic achievements (if applicable)
  • Reference Letters.

Apply Here.

#4. Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Research Grants

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Graduate School in Germany invites international Ph.D. students to apply for Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Ph.D. Research Grants in Germany.

The Graduate School at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) offers a diverse range of academic subjects in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and medicine.

Apply Here.

#5. EMBL Postdoctoral Program

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), founded in 1974, is a biological powerhouse. The mission of the laboratory is to promote molecular biology research in Europe, train young scientists, and create new technologies.

European Molecular Biology Laboratory facilitates world-class research by organizing science courses, workshops, and conferences.

The diverse research program at EMBL pushes the boundaries of biological knowledge. The institute invests heavily in people and the development of tomorrow’s scientists.

Apply Here.

#6. Neurosciences in Berlin – International Ph.D. Fellowships for National and International Scientists

The Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin (ECN) is pleased to announce Neurosciences in Berlin – International Ph.D. Fellowships for a competitive four-year neuroscience program.

The instruments proposed to promote young researchers are linked to our partners’ approved training concepts. The ECN will create an educational program geared toward practitioners.

This diversity of training structures, each with a different focus, provides an excellent opportunity to establish the interdisciplinary training required for modern neuroscience success. Our mission is to train the next generation of world-class scientists.

Apply Here.

#7. DKFZ International Ph.D. Program

The DKFZ International Ph.D. Program in Heidelberg (also known as the Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research) is an interdisciplinary graduate school for all Ph.D. students at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ).

Students conduct cutting-edge research in basic, computational, epidemiological, and translational cancer research.

Apply Here.

#8. University Hamburg Scholarships

Universität Hamburg’s merit scholarship program assists outstanding international students and doctoral researchers in all subjects and degree levels who are socially committed and actively involved in an international context.

The awarding of a merit scholarship allows recipients to focus fully on their studies and allows them to develop their skills.

This Germany Scholarship is worth €300 per month and is funded equally by the German federal government and private sponsors, with the goal of supporting bright minds and talented young students. You will also receive a donation receipt.

Apply Here.

#9. Baden-Württemberg Foundation

Highly qualified/distinguished study candidates and doctoral students enrolled in a university in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, are eligible for this scholarship.

The scholarship is also available to partner universities of the region’s higher education institutes. Students from all disciplines (including medicine) are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

Apply Here.

#10. Carl Duisberg Scholarships for German and International Medical Students

The Bayer Foundation is accepting applications for local and international scholarships for medical students. Students of our young professionals with up to two years of work experience in human and veterinary medicine, medical sciences, medical engineering, public health, and health economics are eligible for the Carl Duisberg Scholarship.

Carl Duisberg Scholarships are offered in Germany to students from developing countries. The scholarship can be applied to special study courses, individual laboratory assignments, summer schools, research classes, internships, or masters or Ph.D. theses in human and veterinary medicine, medical sciences, medical engineering, public health, and health economics.

Support is typically intended to cover living expenses, travel expenses, and project costs incurred. Each applicant may request a specific amount of financial assistance by submitting a “cost plan,” and the Board of Trustees will make a decision based on this request.

Apply Here.

FAQs on Scholarships to Study Medicine in Germany

How much does it cost to study medicine in Germany?

A medical degree in Germany is determined by two factors: your nationality and whether you attend a private or public university. If you are a student from the EU, you will only have to pay a €300 administration fee. Non-EU students, on the other hand, will have to pay a fee to study medicine in Germany.

Can I get a fully funded scholarship in Germany?

Yes, the DAAD offers a fully funded scholarship in Germany to all international students from all over the world who want to pursue a Master's or Ph.D. degree program. The Scholarship is funded by the German government and will cover all expenses.

Is it worth studying medicine in Germany?

Germany, one of the world's most popular non-anglophone study destinations, is an ideal location for pursuing a medical degree, providing high-quality education at a reasonable cost.

How hard is it to get a scholarship in Germany?

The DAAD scholarship requirements are not particularly difficult to meet. Applicants must have completed a Bachelor's degree or be in their final year of studies to be eligible for DAAD funding. There is no upper age limit, but there may be a time limit between finishing your Bachelor's degree and applying for a DAAD grant.

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Thousands of students are pursuing medical degrees in Germany, and you may be one of them in the near future.

The decision to study medicine in Germany is a watershed moment in one’s life. You have now introduced yourself to an entirely new challenging academic world that will profoundly reshape your intellectual potential, future career, and emotional fulfillment.