Ongoing 4 to 12 Week Medical Assistant Programs

Ongoing 4 to 12 week medical assistant programs
Ongoing 4 to 12 week medical assistant programs

The medical assisting profession is a fast growing career with an estimated growth rate of about 19% according to the bureau of labor statistics. Within this article, you’ll find ongoing 4 to 12 week medical assistant programs offered by accredited institutions.

However, like most medical degrees, the available healthcare assistant programs may take more than 4 weeks to complete due to the demands of the profession.

Nevertheless, this article will provide you with a properly researched list of accelerated medical assistant programs that may range from 4 to 12 weeks or more.

Before we dive in, take a look at the table of contents below to get an idea of what this article contains.

Who is a Medical Assistant?

A medical assistant is a healthcare professional who works closely with physicians, nurses, physician assistants and other medical workers to provide support.  They are also called clinical assistants or healthcare assistants.

What is a Medical Assistant Program?

A Medical Assistant program is a specialised training program designed for individuals who wish to build a career as healthcare professionals who assist other medical professionals and perform clinical and administrative tasks in a medical setting.

Sometimes, these programs may operate like nursing schools and may range from 4 to several weeks or more.

List of Accelerated Medical Assistant Programs

Below is a list of Accelerated Medical Assistant Programs:

  1. St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants
  2. Tyler Junior College
  3. Ohio School of Phlebotomy
  4. New Horizon Medical Institute
  5. Medical Assistant Program Online at Camelot College
  6. Atlanta Career Institute
  7. CareerStep: The 4-Month Medical Assistant Program
  8. U.S. Career Institute
  9. Cuesta College| Medical Assisting Diploma
  10. Breath of life training.

Ongoing 4 to 12 medical assistant programs.

4 week medical assistant programs are rarely offered by accredited and legitimate institutions. However, we have provided an overview of some accelerated medical assistant programs ranging from 4 to 12 weeks or more that can help you below:

1.St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Accreditation: NACB (The National Accreditation and Certification Board)

Duration: 4 weeks or more.

This is a self paced online course for medical assistants. The duration of completion for this program is dependent on the amount of time students put into it. The course cost $1,215, although you may receive discounts at certain times.

2. Tyler Junior College

Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

Duration: Self Paced.

Tyler Junior College offers an online clinical medical assistant program. Within the program, students have access to mentorship, modules with learning exercises, labs and lots more. The tuition is $2,199.00 and students can learn at their own pace online.

3. Ohio School of Phlebotomy

Accreditation: State Board Of Career Colleges and schools

Duration: 11 weeks.

At Ohio School of Phlebotomy, individuals of all experience level can learn the fundamental skills required to become a Clinical Medical Assistant. You’ll be able to acquire the necessary skills for performing waived testing, Phlebotomy, wound dressing etc. Students will meet twice a week, for 11 weeks for laboratory practicals and lectures.

4. New Horizon Medical Institute 

Accreditation: Council on Occupational Education.

Duration: 12 weeks.

If you’re seeking to get admitted in the medical assistant program at the New Horizon Medical Institute, you must complete the TABE test with a score of 8.0 or more. The program contains 380 clock hours which can be completed in 12 weeks.

5. Medical Assistant Program Online at Camelot College.

Accreditation: Better Business Bureau 

Duration: 12 weeks.

You’ll need a high school diploma or it’s equivalent to gain admission into this medical assistant program. Graduates of this program are awarded a diploma in medical assistant certificate after completing about 70 credit hours with a total GPA of 2.0 or more.

6. Atlanta Career Institute

Accreditation: Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission.

Duration: 12 weeks.

Attending the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) program requires that you have a high school diploma or GED equivalent. The program cost $4,500 for both tuition, books, and externship placements. The institution has over 100 externship sites across Georgia for its students.

7. CareerStep | Medical Assistant Program

Duration: 12 weeks or more.

CareerStep offers a Medical Assistant Program which is made up of 22 small courses. It is an online program with an estimated duration of 12 weeks to complete. Students also gain access to experiential learning by engaging in the training.

8. U.S. Career Institute

Accreditation: DEAC, NCCT, NHA, AMT, CACCS.

Duration: 12 weeks or more.

The U.S career institute offers students the opportunity to become medical assistants at their own pace. This program will cost you $1,539 if you pay on a monthly basis and $1,239 if you pay in full. To gain a certification from this program, you’ll take the CPC-A exam or CCA exam.

9. Medical Assisting at Cuesta College

Accreditation: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC)

Duration: 12 weeks or more.

Cuesta College offers an 18 week medical assisting program at its San Luis Obispo campus. This 14 credit certificate program is offered in the fall and spring semesters and consist of 3 courses which are; MAST 110, MAST 111 and MAST 111L.

10. Breath of Life Training

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission, Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES).

Duration: 12 weeks.

Breath of Life Training institute trains students in the basic concepts needed to become a medical assistant. You’ll learn how to interrogate patients for vital information that will be utilized during treatment. Students will also learn how to perform medical procedures and other core required skills within the profession.

Some Benefits of Accelerated Medical Assistant Programs

  1. Save Time: Unlike Medical Schools, accelerated medical assistant programs with a duration of a year or less helps you save time and fast track your career as a medical assistant.
  2. Reduce Cost: These accelerated programs also help you reduce the cost of study by a reasonable margin. 
  3. Time to explore other opportunities: Taking on an accelerated medical assistant program can enable you to use the remaining time to acquire practical or complementary knowledge.
  4. Flexible schedules: It is a flexible way to start a career as a medical assistant and it is convenient for busy individuals.

Requirements for Admission into Ongoing 4 to 12 week medical assistant programs.

1. High school Diploma or Equivalent: The prevalent requirement for admission into any of the ongoing 4 to 12 week medical assistant programs as well as other accelerated medical assistant programs is the High School diploma.

2. Science and Math Score : Most institutions that offer 4 week medical assistant programs and other accelerated clinical assistant programs usually require applicants to have grades in science or Pre-Med courses like biology, chemistry, physics and other related science electives.

3. Volunteering Experience: This may not be commonly required. However, it is advisable to engage in volunteering opportunities at hospitals, clinics and health centers. This will enhance your chances of admission into these 4 to 12 week medical programs and also prepare you for the career path.

How to Choose the Right Medical Assistant Program Online

1. Accreditation

Before Choosing any medical assistant program online or offline, it is advisable to carry out thorough research about the institution’s accreditation. Most institutions that lack accreditation are not legitimate and offer students certificates that are not recognized.

2. Tuition Fee

If the tuition fee of your choice institution for the accelerated clinical assistant program is on the expensive, you can choose to either find another school or apply for financial aids, scholarships or grants.

3. Credential

When choosing your medical assisting program, endeavour to check for their requirements. If what they require for admission is not what you have, then you should look for an institution whose requirements you can meet.

4. Duration of Completion

This depends on how much time you want to spend in the program. You should do your best to make enquiry concerning how long it’s going to take to complete the program. You should also consider the flexibility of the program.

Frequently Asked Questions about Medical assistant programs

Who has the shortest medical assistant program?

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is self paced and online. If you put in a reasonable amount of time into study, you can finish in the shortest time possible. Nevertheless, you can check the list above for other institutions with the shortest medical assistant programs.

How long are most medical assistant programs?

Most medical assistant programs take about 1 year or more to complete. However, there are some institutions that offer accelerated medical assistant programs that takes a few weeks or months.

How fast can you become a MA?

You can complete your study as a Medical assistant in a matter of weeks or months but this doesn't automatically make you a Medical Assistant. To become a medical assistant, you must do the following: •Successfully Complete an accredited Medical Assistant Program- (1 to 2 years) •Pass the CMA Certification Examination (Less than 1 year) •Apply for entry level jobs or internships. •Renew the CMA CREDENTIAL (Every 5 years).

How much do medical assistants make?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data shows that medical assistants make an average yearly salary of $36,930 at an average hourly rate of $17.75.

What do Medical Assistants Do?

The duties of Medical assistants may include taking records of patients vital signs and response to certain medications. They may also engage in certain administrative and clinical tasks in healthcare facilities, hospitals, clinics and physician offices.

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The medical assisting profession is a versatile profession which can enable you to work in different medical specialties. What’s even more interesting is that you don’t need a degree to become a medical assistant.

With the institutions and information in this article, you’ll be able to become a medical assistant in a year or less. We hope you read, and found answers to your questions.