10 Tuition Free Universities in Denmark you would love

10 Tuition Free Universities in Denmark you would love
10 Tuition Free Universities in Denmark you would love

Are there Tuition Free Universities in Denmark for international students? Quickly find out in this article, as well as all you need to know about tuition-free universities in Denmark.

Denmark is a small yet beautiful nation in Northern Europe with a population of 5.6 million people. It shares borders with Germany in the south and Sweden in the east, with coasts on the Northern and Baltic Seas.

Denmark has one of the world’s most sophisticated and unique educational systems, ranking among the top five in terms of student happiness.

Since the debut of the United Nations’ World Happiness Report in 2012, Denmark has been renowned as the country with the happiest people, ranking first (nearly) every time.

One thing is certain: if you choose to study in Denmark, you may catch a glimpse of the Danes’ innate cheerfulness.

In Addition, Denmark has a sophisticated educational system that includes numerous world-class institutions.

There are approximately 500 English-taught study programs to choose from at 30 higher education institutions.

Denmark, like many other nations, distinguishes between full research universities and university colleges (sometimes known as “universities of applied sciences” or “polytechnics”).

Business academies are a type of locally unique institution that offers practice-oriented associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees in business-related areas.

Is there a Job market for Graduates in Denmark?

In truth, recent political changes may have made it significantly more difficult, for non-European people to live and work in Denmark following graduation.

However, it is still possible.

Internationals from all industries are concentrated, particularly in Copenhagen. While not required, excellent Danish – or knowledge of another Scandinavian language – is usually a benefit when competing with local applicants, so make sure to take language classes while studying there.

How to study in Denmark Tuition-Free?

EU/EEA students, as well as students engaging in an exchange program at Danish universities, are entitled to free tuition for undergraduate, MSc, and MA studies.

Free Tuition is also available to students who at the time of application:

  • have a permanent address.
  • have temporary residency with the prospect of acquiring permanent residence.
  • have a residence permit under Section 1, 9m of the Aliens Act as the accompanying child of a foreign national who has a residence permit on the basis of employment, etc.

See Section 1, 9a of the Aliens Act (In Danish) for more information on the above.

Convention refugees and Aliens Act protected persons, as well as their relatives, are invited to contact the relevant higher education institution or university for financial information (tuition fees).

International full-degree students from outside the EU and EEA countries began paying a tuition fee in 2006. Tuition fees range from 45,000 to 120,000 DKK per year, equivalent to 6,000 to 16,000 EUR.

Note that private universities charge both EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA nationals tuition fees, which are often higher than that of public universities.

Other ways through which international students can study in Denmark without paying tuition are through scholarships and grants.

Some of the well-known scholarships and grants include:

  •  Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) programs: The European Union offers these programs in partnership with universities and other organizations. The program’s goal is to inspire people to study abroad, learn about and appreciate diverse cultures, and improve interpersonal and intellectual skills.
  • The Danish Government Scholarships under the Cultural Agreements: This scholarship is available to highly qualified exchange students interested in studying the Danish language, culture, or similar disciplines.
  • The Fulbright Scholarship: This scholarship is only offered to American students pursuing a Master’s or PhD degree in Denmark.
  • The Nordplus Programme: This financial aid program is only open to students who are already enrolled in a Nordic or Baltic higher education institution. If you meet the requirements, you may be able to study in another Nordic or Baltic country.
  • The Danish State Educational Support (SU): This is typically an educational grant given to Danish students. International students, on the other hand, are welcome to apply as long as they meet the application conditions.

What are the Top 10 Public Universities in Denmark that are Tuition Free?

Below is a list of highly-ranked Public Universities that are Tuition-Free for EU/EEA students:

10 Tuition Free Universities in Denmark

#1. Københavns Universitet

Basically, Kbenhavns Universitet (University of Copenhagen) was founded in 1479, it is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the urban setting of Copenhagen, Denmark’s Capital Region.

Tstrup and Fredensborg are two other areas where this university maintains branch campuses.

Furthermore, Kbenhavns Universitet (KU) is a big, coeducational Danish higher education institution that is officially recognized by the Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Denmark).

In a variety of fields of study, Kbenhavns Universitet (KU) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees.

This highly regarded Danish higher education school has a stringent admissions policy based on student’s previous academic records and grades. International students are welcome to apply for admission.

Finally, a library, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services, are among the academic and non-academic facilities and services available to students at KU.

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#2. Aarhus Universitet

This Tuition-free University was founded in 1928 as a non-profit public higher education institution in the middle city of Aarhus, Central Denmark Region.

This university also has campuses in the following cities: Herning, Copenhagen.

In addition, Aarhus Universitet (AU) is a large, coeducational Danish higher education institution that is officially recognized by the Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Denmark).

Aarhus Universitet (AU) offers courses and programs in a variety of fields that lead to officially recognized higher education degrees.

This top-rated Danish higher-education school offers a strict admissions procedure based on past academic performance and grades.

Finally, International students are welcome to apply for admission. A library, accommodation, sports facilities, financial aid and/or scholarships, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services, are all available to students at AU.

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#3. Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

This highly-rated university was founded in 1829 and is a non-profit public higher education institution in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark’s Capital Region.

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) is a medium-sized, coeducational Danish higher education institution officially recognized by the Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet (Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Denmark).

Furthermore, In a variety of fields of study, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) offers courses and programs that lead to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees.

Finally, DTU also provides a library, accommodation, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, and administrative services to students.

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#4. Syddansk Universitet

This highly ranked university was founded in 1966 and is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the suburbs of Odense in the Region of Southern Denmark. Kbenhavn, Kolding, Slagelse, and Flensburg are all locales where this university has a branch campus.

Syddansk Universitet (SDU) is a large, coeducational Danish higher education institution that is officially recognized by the Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet (Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science).

In addition, SDU offers courses and programs that lead to officially recognized higher education degrees like bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees in a variety of fields.

This non-profit Danish higher-education school has a strict admission policy based on past academic performance and grades.

Finally, students from other countries are welcome to apply. SDU also offers a library, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, and administrative services to students.

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#5. Aalborg Universitet

Since its founding in 1974, Aalborg University (AAU) has provided academic excellence, cultural involvement, and personal growth to its students.

It provides natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, technological, and health sciences education and research.

Despite being a relatively new university, AAU is already regarded as one of the top and most prestigious international universities in the world.

Furthermore, Aalborg University tries to improve its future position by raising the bar on a regular basis in order to maintain a high learning curve. Aalborg University has gained worldwide university rankings in recent years. Aalborg University appears on the majority of ranking lists, placing it in the top 2% of the world’s 17,000 universities.

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#6. Roskilde Universitet

This Prestigious University was founded with the goal of challenging academic traditions and experimenting with new ways of creating and acquiring knowledge.

At RUC They nurture a project and problem-oriented approach to knowledge development because they believe that solving genuine challenges in partnership with others yields the most relevant solutions.

Furthermore, RUC takes an interdisciplinary approach since important challenges are rarely solved by relying solely on one academic subject.

Finally, they promote openness because they believe that participation and knowledge exchange are essential for freedom of thought, democracy, tolerance, and development.

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#7. Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

The Copenhagen Business School (CBS) is a public university in Copenhagen, Denmark’s capital. CBS was founded in 1917.

CBS now has over 20,000 students and 2,000 workers, and it provides a wide range of undergraduate and graduate business programs, many of which are interdisciplinary and international in nature.

CBS is one of the few schools in the world to obtain the “triple-crown” accreditation from EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System), AMBA (Association of MBAs), and AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).

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#8. IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)

This highly-rated tech university is Denmark’s main university for IT research and education, having been founded in 1999. They provide cutting-edge computer science, business IT, and digital design education and research.

The university has approximately 2,600 students enrolled. Since its inception, more than 100 different bachelor’s degrees have been granted admission. The private sector employs the great majority of the graduates.

Also, The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) uses a constructivist learning theory, which maintains that learners construct their own learning in contexts based on existing knowledge and experience.

ITU focuses teaching and learning on the individual student’s learning process, including heavy use of feedback.

Ultimately, ITU believes that to provide a great and stimulating learning environment for all students, teaching and learning activities are co-created in close collaboration between teachers, students, and administrative staff.

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#9. Aarhus School of Architecture

This highly-ranked college offers academically rigorous, career-oriented Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in architecture.

The program includes all facets of the architectural field, including design, architecture, and urban planning.

Furthermore, Regardless of the student’s chosen specialization, we constantly emphasize the architect’s conventional core competencies, the aesthetic approach to the job, and the capacity to work spatially as well as visually.

In the field of architecture, the school also provides a three-year PhD program. In addition, the Aarhus School of Architecture offers career-oriented, continuing and further education up to and including the Master’s level.

Finally, the goal of research and artistic development activity is to continuously improve architectural education, practice, and cross-disciplinary integration.

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#10. The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Visual Art

This prestigious school is an internationally focused teaching and research institution with a more than 250-year history of developing artistic talent and entrepreneurship to the highest standards, based on each student’s independent work.

Many renowned artists have been trained and developed here over the years, from Caspar David Friedrich and Bertel Thorvaldsen to Vilhelm Hammershi, Olafur Eliasson, Kirstine Roepstorff, and Jesper Just.

Furthermore, students are involved as much as possible in the organization of their education at the Academy’s Fine Arts Schools, and the personal and academic participation of students in their practical and academic training is expected throughout their course of study.

In addition, the syllabus and learning program unfold in a somewhat restricted framework over the first three years, mainly in the form of recurring modules in art history and theory, lecture series, and discussion forums.

Ultimately, the final three years of the study program are designed in close collaboration between professor and student, and they place increased emphasis on the student’s individual commitment and initiative.

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FAQs on Tuition Free Schools in Denmark

Is studying in Denmark worth it?

Yes, studying in Denmark is worth it. Denmark has a sophisticated educational system that includes numerous world-class institutions. There are approximately 500 English-taught study programs to choose from at 30 higher education institutions.

Is Denmark good for international students?

Because of its affordable study prices, high-quality English-taught Master's degrees, and innovative teaching methods, Denmark is one of Europe's most popular international study destinations.

Is University in Denmark free for international students?

University in Denmark isn't free for international students. International full-degree students from outside the EU and EEA countries began paying a tuition fee in 2006. Tuition fees range from 45,000 to 120,000 DKK per year, equivalent to 6,000 to 16,000 EUR. However, there are a number of scholarships and grants available to international students who wish to study in Denmark.

Can I work while studying in Denmark?

As an international student in Denmark, you have the right to work for a number of hours. When you've finished your studies, you can look for full-time work. There are no restrictions on the number of hours you can work in Denmark if you are a Nordic, EU/EEA, or Swiss citizen.

Is University in Denmark free for international students?

University in Denmark isn't free for international students. International full-degree students from outside the EU and EEA countries began paying a tuition fee in 2006. Tuition fees range from 45,000 to 120,000 DKK per year, equivalent to 6,000 to 16,000 EUR. However, there are a number of scholarships and grants available to international students who wish to study in Denmark. Do you need to speak Danish to study in Denmark? No, you don't. You can work, live and study in Denmark without learning Danish. There are a number of British, American and French people that have lived in Denmark for years without learning the language.



In conclusion, Denmark is a beautiful country to study in with cheerful people.

We crafted a list of the most affordable public universities in Denmark. Carefully visit the website of each of the schools listed above to get their requirement before you decide where you want to study.

This article also contains a list of the best scholarships and grants for international students to further reduce the cost of studying in Denmark.

All the best, Scholar!!